Thousands Expecxted To Rally For A Safe Climate

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10th December 2009, 05:14pm - Views: 842

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Immediate Release                                                               10 December 2009

Thousands of Queenslanders expected to rally for a safe Climate

Queensland, one of the highest greenhouse gas polluting regions of the world, will stage a major rally

calling for justice and a safe climate future on Saturday 12 December (Brisbane)

‘Walkagainstwarming is part of a global series of rallies by ordinary people fed up with inaction by

the governments of the world,’ said Toby Hutcheon, Executive Director of Queensland Conservation

‘Climate change is happening and affecting millions around the world.’

‘In Australia, we have witnessed devastating bushfires, floods and cyclones that are costing our

communities and our environment dearly. We call upon PM Kevin Rudd to negotiate a global

agreement that will lead to a safe climate for all and give the future a chance.’ said Hutcheon

‘Climate change will affect us all, but millions of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people are

already being hit hardest by climate change, despite being the least responsible for causing it,’ said

Make Poverty History spokesperson Gillian Marshall 

‘Those affected include Pacific Islanders losing their homes to rising sea levels, the poor of

Bangladesh coping with more frequent floods and rural African communities dealing with

devastating drought.’

‘The message is clear.  We must Act against warming, the Prime Minister must show leadership in

Copenhagen and take strong action on climate change.” said Hutcheon and Marshall

Walkagainstwarming is being held in Brisbane and Cairns.

Brisbane details:  King George SQ, 10.00am Saturday 12 December. A concert and festival has been

planned following the rally (Details attached)

For More Information: Toby Hutcheon   3221 0188/0419 664 503

                                      Gillian Marshall   3387 2723/0409 267 040

Other Queensland WAW events are taking place in Cairns, Townsville and Caloundra for details

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Walk Against Warming 2009 Programme (Brisbane)

10:00 Welcome to country 

10:10 Toby Hutcheon Queensland Conservation Council

10:20 Dr Park Young-Woo UNEP Director Asia Pacific  

10:30 Message from Prof Ian Lowe in Copenhagen 

10:35 Walk Against Warming 

12:00 Speaker:  Wanita Limpus, impact on Pacific Islands 

12:10 Music: The Red Paintings  

13:00 Speaker:  Drew Dellinger – Poets for Global Justice 

13:10 Music: Passenger 

14:00 Gillian Marshall, Make Poverty History, climate change impact on Third World 

14:10 Music: Katie Noonan & the Captains 

15:00 Speaker: Tarquin Moon –  The Wilderness Society, Cape York and Climate Change 

15:10  Black Market Rhythm Co 

16:00 Speaker:  Alya Curtis, Extreme Weather Heroes, extreme weather events impact on Brisbane 

16:10 Marshall & the Fro 

17:00 Speaker:  Graham Readfearn, Courier Mail Greenblog review of Walk Against Warming 

17:10 Dallas Frasca


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