Book To Celebrate Australia's Muslims

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14th November 2009, 04:01am - Views: 1684
Book to Celebrate Australia's Muslims

14 November 2009

The Government has recognised the contribution of Australia's Muslim communities through a book launched today by the Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services, Laurie Ferguson.

The Australian Journey Muslim communities features photographs and personal stories of 43 Muslim Australians and their contributions to Australia.

"This is a showcase of the diversity of Australia's Muslim population and the contributions that many have made to our nation," Mr Ferguson said.

The book reminds us that Australia's 340 000-strong Muslim population is drawn from diverse ethic backgrounds and encompasses a range of practices, beliefs and aspirations.

It includes people from business and the arts to defence and emergency services from all walks of life, the book demonstrates that Muslims are working for the benefit of all Australians.

"Some of these people such as the late John Ilhan and footballer Bachar Houli are well known, while others are quietly achieving in their chosen field," Mr Ferguson said.

"In Queensland, musician Asim Gorashi combines traditional Sudanese music with
contemporary jazz and Middle Eastern influences.

"In Sydney, Jihad Dib, the principal of Punchbowl Boys' High School works tirelessly to educate young Australians, while Victoria Police officers Abdou, Sukkar and Sahinkaya and ACT Ambulance paramedic John Killeen play an important part in Australia's emergency response.

"I am pleased that young Australians will have the opportunity to identify with the positive role models in this book.

"It proves to every child that you can aspire to any occupation, in any field, and be a valued Australian citizen."

Launched at Punchbowl Boys' High School multicultural fair, the book will be widely distributed and will be available on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship's website at

Media Contact Carla Wilshire 0432 755 935

SOURCE: Laurie Ferguson, Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs

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