Mapping Melbourne's Tailoring Diasporas

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29th October 2010, 01:19pm - Views: 1198

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Mapping Melbourne’s tailoring diasporas 

Lovers of history and style will have the rare chance to learn about Melbourne’s

tailoring diasporas in a special event next week, showcasing the work of RMIT

University Bachelor of Design (Fashion) students.

The second-year students will present their creative responses to their research

into the city’s past and current tailoring diasporas in Tea for the Tailors, at the

Immigration Museum on Saturday, 6 November.

Peter Allan, Fashion Lecturer in RMIT’s School of Architecture and Design, said

the research revealed a snapshot of Melbourne’s tailoring businesses and personal

histories, including the influences of European post-war diasporas on the craft of

tailoring in Melbourne. 

“This event is a rare opportunity to see inside the creative process of some of our

most talented young designers and celebrate the innovation, creativity and the

histories of the travelled artisans of Melbourne,” Mr Allan said.

Notebooks, toiles and tailored jackets will be on display during the event, with the

19 students also giving short group presentations on their research.

The research was conducted for a 12-week studio, Mapping the Diasporas, one of

several projects relating to tailoring offered in the Bachelor of Design (Fashion). 

The studio was a phase of a larger research project, Mapping the Melbourne

Tailors led by Mr Allan and fellow fashion lecturer, Sue Thomas which in turn

forms a key part of the RMIT Design Archives long-term project, Mapping

Melbourne Design.

“The ongoing project, Mapping the Melbourne, honours the role of the tailor while

researching and interacting with this craft, and its presence within the community,”

Mr Allan said.

Tea for the Tailors is held thanks to a generous donation from Henry Buck Pty Ltd.

What: Tea for the Tailors a showcase of research into Melbourne’s tailoring

diasporas by RMIT University Bachelor of Design (Fashion) students 

When: Saturday, 6 November, 10.30am-12pm

Where: Immigration Museum, Theatrette, 400 Flinders Street, Melbourne

Cost: Free (light refreshments will be served)

For interviews: RMIT University’s Peter Allan (03) 9925 1914 or

For media enquiries: RMIT University Communications, Gosia Kaszubska,

(03) 9925 3176 or 0417 510 735.

29 October, 2010

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