Seafolly Protects Its Swimwear Fabric Designs

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18th March 2009, 11:52am - Views: 2677

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Seafolly protects its swimwear fabric designs

18 March, 2009

Seafolly is one of Australia’s best known fashion

swimwear brands.  Its swimwear is sold

throughout Australia and in over 40 countries throughout the world.  In recent years, Seafolly has

found many companies

in Australia and overseas manufacturing swimwear garments use fabrics

which are copies of its original fabric designs. These original and distinctive fabric designs are very

important to Seafolly maintaining its reputation as one of Australia’s leading swimwear brands.

In 2007, Seafolly became aware that Sevcoy had released a swimwear style that was

manufactured from a fabric print which it claimed was a substantial reproduction of its “Tiki stripe”

design therefore infringing Seafolly’s copyright rights in this fabric design. Federal Court

proceedings were issued against Sevcoy and the proceedings were settled out of court between

the parties.

In 2008, Seafolly became aware of a company in Canada

which had released a swimwear style

that was manufactured from a fabric print which Seafolly claimed was a substantial reproduction of

its “Mikado” design therefore infringing Seafolly’s copyright rights in this fabric design. Seafolly

settled this proceeding prior to any court proceedings being issued.  

Seafolly also made a claim for copyright infringement against L'Aura Blu Design, a company in

Italy, claiming that it released a swimwear garment manufactured from a fabric design which was a

substantial reproduction of Seafolly’s “Goddess Mailott” fabric design. This case also settled out of

court prior to any proceedings being issued.

Most recently, Seafolly became aware of a “Mooloola” branded swimwear garment in the

marketplace which Seafolly claims is manufactured from a fabric print which is a copy of Seafolly’s

“Zambezi” print.  Seafolly has since discovered that the fabric used to manufacture the “Mooloola”

branded swimwear garment was designed by an employee of Fewstone trading as Mooloola

Fashion who directed Australian Downtown Marketing to copy Seafolly’s “Zambezi” design.  A

Federal Court Proceeding has been issued against Australian Downtown Marketing and its director

claiming that they have infringed or authorised the infringement of Seafolly’s copyright in the

“Zembezi” print.  Seafolly is seeking injunctions against Australian Downtown Marketing and its

director restraining them from dealing in the copy fabric.  Seafolly is also seeking an amount in

damages.  Federal Court Proceedings were not issued against Fewstone as a commercial

settlement was reached to settle Seafolly’s claim against Fewstone.

Anthony Halas, Chief Executive Officer of Seafolly, said "Seafolly is committed to protecting its

original fabric designs.  It is important that Seafolly protect its original fabric designs so that its loyal

customers throughout the world are guaranteed that the garments they purchase feature fabric

designs that are not knocked off by other traders”.  He also said that “Seafolly sells its garments

throughout the world and its unique fabric designs have become synonymous with the Seafolly

brand. Action needs to be taken against copiers of Seafolly’s fabric designs to ensure that

Seafolly's reputation as an innovative designer is retained and upheld".

Tony Watson, a Partner of Middletons who acted for Seafolly in each of these cases, said that

"Seafolly, like many other designers in Australia, takes the copying of its original fabric designs

seriously and it currently has one Federal Court proceeding on foot in the Federal Court of

Australia with a further two proceedings likely to be issued within the coming weeks”  Mr Watson

also said that “in this competitive marketplace where designers are trying to keep up with fashion

trends it is important for designers to enforce their copyright rights and protect their designs so that

the significant costs of employing a design team to create these original designs can be justified. 

By not taking action would be copyists can take these original designs without having to incur the

significant designs costs that are incurred by the likes of Seafolly in coming up with these

innovative designs”.  "Middletons acts for a number of Australian fashion designers and it has been

assisting these clients enforce their copyright rights and design rights so that action can be taken

against traders who copy an original designer’s designs”

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About Middletons

Middletons is a leading commercial law firm with offices in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth. 

We have extensive experience in acting for major corporates and industry leaders and working on

groundbreaking transactions. Clients have chosen our firm because of our comprehensive skills,

industry knowledge and approach to service. 

We provide advice in the areas of corporate and commercial, mergers and acquisitions, corporate

finance, intellectual property, information technology, taxation and revenue, managed investments

and superannuation, competition law, commercial litigation, banking and finance, insolvency,

insurance, transport and trade, property development and workplace relations. 

Middletons breaks the mould when it comes to big law firms. Size, like expertise and geographical

reach, is a given for our clients. Our lawyers talk our clients' language, but challenge their thinking.

Our approach is different to others; we offer straight talking advice and services built on intellect,

inspiration, influence, involvement, integrity and individuality.

About Seafolly

Since 1975, Seafolly has been at the epicentre of Australian beach lifestyle and has quickly

become one of the most recognised swimwear and beach lifestyle brands worldwide. Spanning the

broad international market, Seafolly is currently stocked in major fashion department stores and

swimwear boutiques around the world.

For further information

Jeremy Hyman | Media and Communications Manager 

P: +61 2 9513 2451 


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