Get Some Nuts - Gro A Mo

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27th October 2009, 06:12pm - Views: 1046

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27th October 2009.

Get Some Nuts – Grow a Mo

In a world where depilation is the new black, where smooth, silken skin is de rigueur for

social acceptance and any hint of fuzz can have your peers positively bristling with

outrage, you’d have to be nuts to try to get blokes to grow a moustache.

“Well, that’s good enough for us” said the lads at SNICKERS who have followed up their

recent sponsorship of the insane –

and wildly successful –

World Record Bass Strait

crossing by kite boarders Ben Morrison-Jack and James Weight by announcing a

campaign to encourage hesitant Mo growers to join their Mo Bros and the Mo Sistas who

support them in the Movember phenomenon.

True to SNICKERS “More Nuts” personality, it’s not the pursuit of the great that gets you

a guernsey here – the call for this gig is to “aim for the most lame” by uploading videos

of your mates lame excuses for not growing a Mo –

and there are

some pretty lame

excuses already emerging. 

Entrants can either upload a video of what they believe to be potentially the lamest

excuse not to grow a Mo, putting the pressure right on their mates to get some nuts and

have a go at the Movember magic OR they can put their own nuts proudly on display by

showing the world their own heroic efforts in growing facial fungus for a cause. 

The Mo has a special and variable place in history – there have been times when it was

actually illegal to sport one in public, and then, other times when you couldn’t get a

game in the Australian Cricket team if you didn’t have one. It seems some men have

many excuses as to why they won’t (or can’t)

grow a mo

and SNICKERS is giving

people the opportunity to encourage mates to get on board and grow a mo this


Movember (AKA “The Artist Formerly Known As November”) has grown somewhat from

the vague idea knocked around by a few mates in a Fitzroy pub to have so far raised

$A60 Million around the world to help fight prostate cancer and depression in men and

to, of course, aim to restore the Mo as the lip insulation of choice among global


Asked about the SNICKERS involvement in the Movember campaign, Marketing Manager

Brad Cole said “with the aid of cutting-edge technology (i.e. accessible video cameras

and the SNICKERS “Get Some Nuts –

Grow a Mo” website) we want to do our part –

through the time-honoured and traditional male strategies of ridiculing your mates and

shamelessly showing off -

to help those men without the nuts to do something about

men’s health to finally get some nuts and grow a Mo for Movember”. 

While great prizes are on offer, the real winners at the end of the day will be the push for

greater awareness of men’s health issues, and, perhaps, the hitherto almost unnoticed

campaign to bring moustache wax back onto supermarket shelves.


END – 


Sally Brook


Mo Facts


Movember is an annual, month-long celebration of the Mo which highlights men’s

health issues, specifically prostate cancer and depression in men 


Mo Bros (men who grow a Mo), supported by the Mo Sistas (women who love a

Mo) in their life, register at and then start Movember 1st

with a

clean-shaven face. They have the remainder of the month to grow and groom

their moustache.


The idea for Movember was conceived in Melbourne by a few mates over a beer in

2003. There were 30 Mo Bros in the first year and in 2008 there were 125,000 Mo

Bros and Sistas in Australia alone. 


In Australia, Movember raises awareness and funds for The Prostate Cancer

Foundation of Australia and beyondblue- the national depression initiative

Some REALLY Lame Excuses


I’m washing my other hair


I’m trying to put together a trade deal for Fev that someone will take seriously


I’m getting married and my Fiancé would kill me! 


Man, I’m just trying to ride out the GEC, OK!


I’m too busy watching the latest series of “The Bachelor”


My boss won’t let me


I’m crocheting a doily for Fuifui Moimoi


Look, Malcolm Turnbull really needs me right now

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