Have Yourself A Guilt-free Christmas 1

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9th December 2009, 06:26pm - Views: 984


December 2009


A practical Treat-O-Meter can help Aussies beat the bulge this Christmas.

With all the tempting and delicious treats at Christmas it’s easy to over indulge,

but many Australians

are going

too far

resulting in waistlines expanding over the festive season.

New research has found over 60 per cent of Australians admit to gaining weight over Christmas as a result of over indulging

or reducing their exercise routine.

Food & Nutrition Australia (FNA) is advising people to manage indulgences and maintain a regular exercise routine over the

silly season to avoid unnecessary weight gain and assist in getting back to a regular routine early in the New Year. Sharon

Natoli, Accredited Practising Dietitian and Director of FNA, was most concerned that three out of four Australians eat 30 per

cent more food than usual over the Christmas period.

“For the average adult eating almost a third more food than usual can equate to thousands of additional kilojoules, equivalent

to an extra meal a day. Couple this with reduced exercise and it’s not surprising that 60 per cent report unwanted weight

gain, and more than 40 per cent report feeling sluggish, bloated and generally unhealthy.” 

However, with a bit of creative thinking it is possible to beat the bulge with help from an online Treat-O-Meter that provides

practical ideas to compensate for over-indulging, with exercise activities and meal suggestions to help maintain a balanced

diet over the festive period.

The simple Treat-O-Meter, from Bakers Delight, calculates how much activity combined with healthy eating alternatives, are

required to balance indulgences over the Christmas period. For instance, have a cleaning session to burn off some of the

kilojoules clocked up after eating a traditional hot Christmas lunch washed down with champagne. Or try replacing veggies

roasted in oil with steamed vegetables or sparkling mineral water with a squeeze of lemon or lime instead of sugary drinks.


can be very difficult to keep up regular eating habits and find time to exercise with constant social commitments and

holiday activities over Christmas,” added Sharon. “However while it’s important to enjoy the time with family and friends, in

order to start the New Year on a positive health note, try to prioritise time for  exercise and think about healthy alternatives.”  

Top 5 tips for maintaining a balanced diet over the festive period:


Replace deep-fried finger food with mini sandwiches or sushi rolls.


Walk 20 minutes to Boxing Day sales instead of driving.


Serve garden salad in the place of potato salad or coleslaw.


Play a game of backyard cricket with family and friends on Christmas Day.


Replace a helping of plum pudding and custard with fruit salad and yoghurt.


Christmas favourite returns to Bakers Delight this year, with Fruit Mince Tarts available in bakeries across Australia over

the festive season priced at $1.70 each or $8.50 for a six pack. Enjoy with a dollop of low fat vanilla yoghurt!  

People Feature Bakers Delight 4 image



Notes to Editors: 

The Bakers Delight Christmas survey 2009 was independently carried out by McCrindle research in December 2009. 362 adults across Australia

participated in the survey. Additional findings from the Bakers Delight Christmas survey can be provided on request.

For further information or images:

Carla Carafa or Rebecca Stalker 

Keep Left Public Relations

Tel: 03 9510 3910

Mob: 0413 106 506 (Carla) or 0433 099547 (Rebecca) 

Email: carla@keepleftpr.com.au /or rebecca@keepleftpr.com.au 


About Bakers Delight:

Bakers Delight, Australia’s most successful bakery franchise, was established in 1980 as a single bakery on Glenferrie Road in Hawthorn, Melbourne.

An Australian owned company, Bakers Delight boasts over 700 bakeries employing more than 15,000 people, serving 2.5 million regular customers per

week throughout Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.

Bakers Delight has been a major corporate partner of Breast Cancer Network Australia for nine years, raising almost $3.7 million within this time.

Through its bakery network, the company donates approximately $143 million in bread to charities each year. In 2009, Bakers Deilght was recognised

for its commitment to community, health and environmental practices taking out the Franchise Council of Australia ‘Franchisor Social Responsibility


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