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3rd November 2009, 01:05pm - Views: 976

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~ Hilltops win 2009 Jimmy Watson Trophy ~ 

2 November 2009 

In yet another victory for NSW Wine’s emerging regions and small producers, the coveted 2009 Jimmy Watson Trophy

has been awarded to a wine made from Hilltops fruit, just outside Young, NSW. 

The Eden Road 2008 Long Road Hilltops Shiraz took out the wine industry’s most illustrious prize in what could be a pivotal

event for the Hilltops wine region. While Eden Road is a winemaking venture based in South Australia’s Eden Valley, the fruit

for the 2008 Long Road Hilltops Shiraz was sourced from Moppity Vineyards in the Hilltops, and the wine was made by Nick

Spencer, who also makes the Moppity Vineyards wines.  

According to Tiffany Nugan, Chair of the NSW Wine Strategy; “Winning the Jimmy Watson Trophy is not only a spectacular

victory for the Hilltops wine region – it’s a major victory for NSW Wine. It thrusts the quality, diversity and excellence of our local

wines into the national spotlight.”

The Jimmy Watson result echoes the recent 2009 NSW Wine Awards, in which emerging regions won 7 of the 12 Trophies,

with Hilltops producers taking two of these. The Hilltops region also had 4.5 wines (0.5 represents a blend containing that

region) in the 2009 Top 40 Wines. The NSW Wine Awards form an integral component of the NSW Wine strategy, spearheaded

in February 2008 to drive sales of NSW Wine in our home State. The latest Nielsen data reinforces the positive impact of the

NSW Wine Strategy. NSW Wine retail bottled wine sales within NSW have grown 12.8% or $7.3 million on the previous year to

reach a record $64.3 million outstripping the State’s growth of only 2.5% in the same period. 

“Sales of NSW Wine within our home state have grown a further 12.8% on the last 12 months bringing an additional $7.3 million

retained income into the State on the previous year to reach a new total of $64.3 million,” said Ms Nugan. “NSW Wine’s growth

has outstripped the State’s growth, with NSW’s total bottled wine sales in the same period only growing by a meagre 2.5%. That

means the NSW Wine Strategy is working. As at December 2008 MAT sales in NSW were only $59 million. Now 8 months later

they are $64.3 million, having grown $7.3 million or 12.8% on the previous year.” 

This Jimmy Watson win caps off an incredible year for Moppity Vineyards, a great family story in NSW Wine. Owners Jason and

Alecia Brown are quite rightly celebrating as it would appear people have already began to discover this new find in the

Australian wine industry with Campbell Mattinson declaring their 2007 Moppity Reserve Shiraz “a rising star of top-end

Australian wine” (The  Big Red Wine Book 2009/10).

The Jimmy Watson Trophy is arguably the most eagerly sought wine award in Australia. It is awarded annually to the producer

of the best one-year-old dry red wine in the Royal Melbourne Wine Show. The Trophy is a memorial to the late Jimmy Watson –

the proprietor of the Wine Bar in Lygon Street, Carlton, Victoria that still bears his name.

Hilltops wines in the 2009 NSW Wine Awards ~ Top 40 Wines:

Chalkers Crossing 2006 Hilltops Shiraz (Hilltops) $30.00 

Freeman Vineyards 2004 Rondinella Corvina (Hilltops) $30.00 

Grove Estate 2007 ‘Sommita’ Nebbiolo (Hilltops) $30.00 

Moppity Vineyards 2008 Shiraz (Hilltops) $19.95 

Westend Estate 2008 ‘Richland’ Merlot (Riverina/Hilltops) $12.00

For further information, please contact Bly Carpenter at The Mod Comms Group on 02 8968 9377, 0407 775 105 or

bly@modcommsgroup.com.au or Tiffany Nugan, Chair of NSW Wine Strategy, on 0414 969110 or tnugan@nuganestate.com.au 

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