Pig Out On A Local Free-range Ham This Christmas

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21st December 2009, 02:32pm - Views: 1021

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If you’re living in Victoria and are intending to buy a Christmas ham, then why not pig out

on something that’s not only RSPCA Approved but also supports local business?

The RSPCA says the festive season is the perfect time to make the switch to a humane

alternative to conventional pork by purchasing a bred free-range ham for your Christmas


“Unfortunately, the majority of pigs that find their way to the Christmas table would have

been produced under conditions that cause physical and psychological stress to both

sow and piglets,” said the RSPCA’s Scientific Officer (Farm Animals), Melina Tensen. 

“Most pigs will never step foot in the outdoors. They can't root in the dirt, wallow in the

mud or forage for food. For pregnant sows confined to sow stalls and farrowing crates,

their life is a continuous cycle of frustration.

“If dogs or cats lived under the same conditions, there would be outrage from all


“Sows on RSPCA Approved farms are not kept in stalls and have the freedom to forage,

root and wallow in the mud. Piglets don’t have their tails docked or their teeth clipped,

and they are free to run around in large ecoshelters with thick straw bedding.

“Shopping humane is the simplest thing you can do to help improve the welfare of pigs.

Your choices in the supermarket send a clear message to the pig industry that the

welfare of pigs is important.”

Otway Pork is an RSPCA Approved bred free-range pig farm in Victoria and is supplying

hams ready for the festive season at all Coles supermarkets plus at selected butchers

and delis throughout the state.

To find Otway welfare-friendly pork products available near you visit:

21 December, 2009

Media Contact :: Lisa Chalk :: 0419 748 907  :: 0262828300 :: lchalk@rspca.org.au

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