School Canteens Given 'green' Makeover

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29th March 2010, 11:55am - Views: 1106

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Media release

29th March 2010

School canteens given a ‘green’ makeover

VICTORIAN school canteens will be given a ‘green’ makeover this week, with the help of

the ‘Go for your life’ Canteens Advisory Service workshops, which will feature sessions

delivered by Dairy Australia. 

Canteen managers, volunteers, school staff, parents and external caterers

will attend

interactive workshops designed to support schools in ‘greening’ up their canteen menu in

line with the

Department of Education and Early Childhood

Development’s School

Canteens and Other School Food Services Policy.

Dairy Australia will host three free sessions, which will provide practical tips for marketing

canteens and planning a successful theme day. 

Glenys Zucco, Dietitian, Dairy Australia, says, “School canteens play a critical role in

educating students to make healthy food choices,

and theme days are a fun and novel

way of doing this.

“Our sessions will provide canteen staff with plenty of ideas and advice on planning a

successful theme day such as linking in with school curriculum to name the event, naming

menu items, and promoting the theme day to kids and parents.”

Some of the yummy themed menu items Dairy Australia will suggest include Pinocchio's

Nose Dip, Witches Yogurt Brew and Cinderellas Pumpkin Bread Carriage. 

Ms Zucco hopes the sessions will inspire attendees to go back to their canteens and use

theme days as a great way to trial new, healthy items and expose students to foods they

are not eating enough of.

“As a dietitian, it concerns me that in the latest Children’s National Nutrition Survey (2007)

many kids were missing out on important nutrients, with calcium being the most common

nutrient deficiency in Australian children.  

“School is an ideal place to teach children how to make healthy choices. Canteen staff can

make a difference to students’ health by filling the menu with calcium-rich products such

as milk, cheese and yogurt.”

For more information or to arrange an interview with Megan Alsford please contact

Nutrition Australia on 0402 140 639

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NOTE: Workshops will run from 9.00am to 3.30pm at the following locations and media

are invited to attend for interviews and photo opportunities:

Collingwood College, cnr Cromwell St & McCutcheon Way, Collingwood – Monday 29


St. Bernard's College, 41 Rosehill Road, Essendon – Tuesday 30 March

Chisholm Institute, 121 Stud Road, Dandenong – Wednesday 31 March

Photo opportunities:

Cooking demonstrations

Canteen services trade displays

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