media alert
Parkes Place, CANBERRA ACT 2600
12 February 2010
Stolen Generations to tell their stories
What: Bringing Them Home website goes live
When: Friday 12 February 2010.
On the eve of the second anniversary of the apology to members of the Stolen
Generations by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, the National Library of Australia will
launch a special website featuring oral history interviews with people who were
involved in or affected by the removal of Indigenous children from their families.
This important oral history project was funded by the Commonwealth Government
in 1997 in response to the first recommendation of Bringing Them Home: Report
of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Children from their Families.
The aim of the project has been to collect and preserve the stories of affected
Indigenous people and others, such as police, missionaries and administrators.
Because of their sensitive nature, the Bringing Them Home interviews are being
made available - in collaboration with the Department of Families, Housing,
Community Services and Indigenous Affairs in consultation with the people
interviewed or their next of kin.
Curator of Oral History and Folklore at the National Library of Australia,
Kevin Bradley, is available for interview.
Media contact: Sally Hopman 02 6262 1704 or 0401 226 697;;