Aussie Composer Excited By Prospects For New Musical

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23rd April 2008, 10:45am - Views: 1053

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News from Central Queensland University

For Immediate Release            Contact: Marc Barnbaum 07 4923 2724 or

Aussie composer excited by prospects for new musical

Published on 23 Apr, 2008 

Media Contact: or 0417 129 667 

For Immediate Release

Composer Kevin Purcell is just as excited by the prospects of the 2-year journey ahead as he is for the

potential of an opening night performance of a new musical based on the acclaimed novel The

Mapmaker's Opera.

Dr Purcell has managed to gain the rights for a musical version of the novel, despite interest from film

companies in buying up blanket options for popular books. 

And he intends to spread his good fortune amongst his staff and student colleagues at Central

Queensland University, where he is Professor and Director of Music and Performing Arts. 

The Mapmaker's Opera, in Kevin's eyes, is not only a wonderful story which will create a magical

musical experience. It is also a major research project offering hands-on experiences for staff and

students across performing arts, creative writing and multimedia courses. 

Dr Purcell, an internationally recognised expert in design interaction for musical theatre, intends using

the latest theatre techniques and multi-media options for the musical. 

The Mapmaker's Opera was written by Spanish-born Canadian Béa Gonzalez and is billed as a

mesmerizing tale of star-crossed passions, a pair of mysterious birds and a young man's quest to

honour both his mentor and his father. It features lyrical and magical storytelling. 

Dr Purcell's aim is to premiere the new musical in Mackay - home of CQU's Central Queensland

Conservatorium of Music - in 2010 in the presence of the author. 

"It's a great collaborative research project which has potential for grant support as it dovetails with the

Rudd Government's 'Fresh Ideas for the Arts' program - due to inject $17 million into a Creative

Industries Innovation Centre over 4 years - and also resonates with the Bligh Government's arts policy


The CQU academic praised the foresight of his Faculty colleague Professor Richard Smith who

predicted the arc of innovation and development required to match the vision of government planners.

ENDS Béa Gonzalez Click here to View/Download full-sized Image Kevin Purcell met Béa Gonzalez

recently in Canada to discuss the project Click here to View/Download full-sized Image

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