Police Shut Down One Of Australia's Largest Illegal Music Burning Operations

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4th February 2010, 07:25pm - Views: 1104

Police shut down one of Australia's largest illegal music burning operations in Melbourne

MELBOURNE - Victorian Police have today shut down one of Australia's largest illegal music burning operations in Footscray, Melbourne. Working in conjunction with anti-piracy group Music Industry Piracy Investigations (MIPI), police seized close to 100 CD burners and approximately 25,000 discs containing pirate music housed in a suburban CD store.

Illegal music titles being burnt and sold to the public included albums from artists Michael Jackson, ABBA and the Boney M and a wide range of self-made compilations, Asian music and karaoke.

A 32 year old Maribyrnong man is currently assisting police with their enquiries.

Sabiene Heindl, General Manager of MIPI, said: "This is one of the largest and most blatant illegal music burning labs that we have seen for some time. The decisive action taken by the Victorian Police in closing down this criminal operation is to be commended and sends a strong message to music pirates you will be found and stopped."

Criminal penalties for copyright infringement are up to $60,500 and five years imprisonment per offence for individuals, and up to $302,500 for corporations.

Members of the public can help police identify and shut down music piracy operations by reporting piracy at www.mipi.com.au. Consumer guides to help members of the public identify whether or not music CDs or DVD are pirated are available to view and download from www.mipi.com.au.

Media inquiries and interviews with Sabiene Heindl, General Manager, MIPI contact:
Nicole Hart, Communications Manager,
MIPI: 0418 324 312

About MIPI
Music Industry Piracy Investigations Pty Ltd (www.mipi.com.au) is the anti-piracy organisation for the Australian music industry. MIPI represents close to 125 music labels through their association, ARIA and over 2,000 music publishers and songwriters through their association, AMCOS.

MIPI operates a toll-free piracy hotline on 1800 06 16 16 and a report piracy form that can be accessed at http://www.mipi.com.au/Report-Piracy.html.

SOURCE: Music Industry Piracy Investigations

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