The Military Band Of The People's Liberation Army Of China

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28th January 2010, 01:19pm - Views: 1100



For the first time ever The Military Band of the People's Liberation Army of China will visit Australia

Media are invited to meet, film and photograph the Band

When: Sunday 31 January

Time: 9.00am

Where: North End, St. Paul's Oval, Sydney University.
Either - enter from Carillon Avenue, on to Western Avenue, or enter off City Road into the St. Paul's College driveway

For the first time ever the 100 strong Military Band of the People's Liberation Army of China will visit Australia. The Producer of the Edinburgh Military Tattoo Major General Euan Loudon CBE said "This is a first for China and Australia and we look forward to presenting musicians from the World's biggest military band".

Established in Beijing in 1952, the Military Band of China is the sole state-level wind band in China, and is affiliated to the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army. With a pool of top composers, conductors, players and teachers, it is a most famous band in China that enjoys the greatest popularity.

The Edinburgh Military Tattoo will be seen exclusively in Sydney on 4, 5, 6 & 7 February 2010 and will boast the greatest line up of Australian and international bands ever assembled with over 1,500 performers set to march on to the Sydney Football Stadium in front of a full scale million dollar replica of Edinburgh Castle.

Media should RSVP their attendance to Amanda Buckworth.

For further media enquiries-

Bruce Pollack, Pollack Consulting, 0418 331 527 (02) 9331 5276 or [email protected]

Amanda Buckworth, AB Publicity (02) 9451 0847 or 0413 949 140
or [email protected]

SOURCE: The Edinburgh Military Tattoo

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