Sample Indonesia In The Heart Of Melbourne 1 13th August 2008 - Views: 1319 The City of Melbourne is a proud sponsor of Festival Indonesia, which showcases the best Indonesia has to offer, including investment, trade and tourism.
Honoring Iranian Woman Neda, Today, Martin Place, 4.30pm 3rd August 2009 - Views: 1449 On June 20 2009 and afterwards, the Iranian security forces used snipers to shoot down over 200 unarmed protesters calling for democracy.
African Parents To Broadcast Their Stories 2nd March 2009 - Views: 1177 Under the Parenting Stories project, hundreds of Sudanese and Central African families will contribute to discussions on parenting, and thousands more will hear the stories broadcast on the radio or through multimedia information packs.
Multicultural Communities Targeted In Bone Marrow Drive 14th July 2008 - Views: 1273 A 13-year-old boy with leukemia - who has convinced over 10,000 Americans to become bone marrow donors - is coming to Australia next week to do the same here. Pat Pedraja started Driving for Donors after he watched other young patients die while they waited for a bone marrow transplant.
Energizing Multicultural Marketing For The Community 5th June 2008 - Views: 1229 Integral Energy’s Acting General Manager of Retail and Customer Services, Tamara Hitchcock, said the corporation is again proud to support the annual awards, which are an initiative of the NSW Community Relations Commission.