A Collection Of Thoughts On Life, Art And Schizophrenia

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29th May 2009, 04:11pm - Views: 980

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A collection of thoughts about life, art and schizophrenia

Collected Thoughts 3: Richard McLean is a new short film produced by the Cunningham Dax

Collection profiling the work and experiences of an artist with schizophrenia. 

This film documents one individual’s journey with mental illness while highlighting his creativity and

resilience. The film features Richard’s art practices, artistic influences, relationships and activities,

and includes interviews with the artist, his family and a colleague. In addition to his prolific work as a

trained and exhibiting multimedia artist, Richard has worked as an illustrator for The Age and the

Herald Sun. In his role as a mental illness advocate he addresses young people and community


“I hope that this film can communicate something to people about both sides of mental illness - not

only the traumatic experience that it can be, but that, running parallel, there can be opportunities for

real growth and creativity.”                                             Richard McLean, Artist, Advocate and Author

Richard is the author of Recovered Not Cured: a journey through schizophrenia, 2003, an

extraordinary and very personal account of his experiences and Ego and Soul, 2008

(egoandsoul.com), which represents a visual diary of his works to date.

“This film continues the Collection’s work in bringing the stories and personal experiences of artists

to life though their own words. We hope this film will highlight Richard’s creativity and talent, and at

the same time address some of the misunderstanding and stigma that surrounds mental illness.”                               

                                     Penelope Lee, Producer Collected Thoughts, the Cunningham Dax Collection

Richard’s artwork is currently on show at the Cunningham Dax Collection as part of the exhibition 

9 Lives: on subject and subjectivity. This exhibition brings together the works of nine artists from

the Collection and seeks to explore their experiences of mental illness through their creative works.

The exhibition juxtaposes works made in hospitals in the early 1960s or community settings

alongside more contemporary works such as Richard’s. Created by both untrained and professional

artists, these raw and powerful works speak volumes and bring together a rich variety of lived

experience and creative expression.

9 Lives: on subject and subjectivity

Venue:  The Cunningham Dax Collection

Until 16 October 2009

Open Wed - Fri, 10am – 4pm, Sat 1 – 5pm 

Collected Thoughts 3 is now on sale from the Cunningham Dax Collection for $20 (inc gst).

To purchase contact us on 9342 2394, info@daxcollection.org.au

The Cunningham Dax Collection consists of over 12,000 creative works by people who experience

mental illness and/or psychological trauma. It is the largest such collection in the southern

hemisphere and the third largest in the world. Based in Parkville, the Collection presents an annual

program of exhibitions and has an active touring program with exhibitions traveling regularly through

regional Victoria and interstate. 

For further information, interviews with Richard McLean or Penelope Lee, or images please contact: 

Kirsten Kachab, Public Relations and Development Officer  

Tel: (03) 9342 2394, M 0402 439 217, kirsten.kachab@daxcollection.org.au 


29 May 2009 

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