Absolut Vodka Institutes The Absolut Art Award

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31st October 2009, 01:45am - Views: 1345

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ABSOLUT VODKA Institutes the Absolut Art Award

STOCKHOLM, Oct 30/ PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --


    - Keren Cytter Receives the First-Ever Absolut Art Award

    Through its frequent collaborations with cutting-edge artists, designers

and photographers, ABSOLUT VODKA is a proud supporter of the arts. This year,

in the tradition of the company's 30 years of creative collaborations,

ABSOLUT VODKA decided to fund a yearly award of Euro 15.000 to an

international young artist exploring creativity through the integration of

art forms. As head of the Absolut Art Award jury, Daniel Birnbaum will award

the first-ever winner in a ceremony at Lydmar Hotel in Stockholm.

    (Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20091030/364613-a )

    (Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20091030/364613-b )

    "Keren Cytter is awarded the first-ever Absolut Art Award for her

outstanding cross-pollination of art forms. Cytter's works take her beyond

the traditional art forms, while exploring the intersection between theater,

performance, film and installation art. Her artistry involves investigative

narratives which reason with both our subconscious and our quest for good

storytelling," says Daniel Birnbaum, head of the Absolut Art Award jury.

    Keren Cytter, born 1977 in Israel, now lives in Berlin. Her work has

brought a lot of critical acclaim when shown at galleries and museums around

Europe. The prize provides the artist, in addition to the cash award, with

the chance for a collaboration or an underwritten work with the Absolut

Company in the upcoming year.

    "Andy Warhol was the first artist to collaborate with ABSOLUT VODKA.

Since then hundreds of artists have helped us in the building of our brand,

for which we are forever grateful. ABSOLUT and art have walked hand in hand

for many years, and the Absolut Art Award expresses our long term commitment

to creativity," says Anna Malmhake, Vice President Global Marketing at The

Absolut Company.

    Daniel Birnbaum, professor and principal of the Stadelschule in

Frankfurt, and Director of the Visual Arts Sector at the Venice Biennale

2009, chairs the Absolut Art Award jury, which also consists of Thomas

Nordanstad, filmmaker and curator, Anna Malmhake, Vice President Global

Marketing, The Absolut Company and Goran Lundqvist, Chairman of the board at

Sweden's Historical Museum of Wine & Spirits. Future juries will include the

most recent winner of the ABSOLUT Art Award.

    About the Absolut Art Collection:

    For 30 years, ABSOLUT VODKA has collaborated with the creative world, and

the Absolut Art Collection today comprises more than 800 works from artists

such as Andy Warhol, Damien Hirst, Jean-Michael Basquiat, Louise Bourgeois,

People Feature The Absolut Company 3 image

Sylvie Fleury, David Shrigley, Hung Tung Lu, Dan Wolgers and Linn Fernstrom.

For the first time ever, the collection is now gathered in Sweden where it

will get its permanent home in Stockholm at the Historical Museum of Wine &


    For press images or further information, visit: 

    For further information, please contact:

    Asa Caap, Senior Manager Global PR, The Absolut Company, E-mail:

asa.caap@absolut.com, Tel: +46708211765

    SOURCE: The Absolut Company


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