Artist Creates More Artworks Than There Are Atoms In The Universe

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9th March 2009, 05:32am - Views: 925

Culture Art Colin Colorful 1 image

'Artist creates more artworks than there are atoms in the


Sydney, 9 March 2009 - Imagine an artwork creation with so many variations

that humanity’s collective lifetime would not be enough to see even one-

percent of one-percent of them.  

Impossible? Not anymore!

African Australian digital artist, Colin Colorful, precursor of New Imaginism,  is

about to launch his innovative and cutting edge first piece of art entitled‘64


Spam Cans – Art Wants to be Free’.

His digital work of art is made up of 64 images, a virtual homage to an off-the-

shelf can of SPAM, featuring an image of Konrad Zuse, the inventor of the

first working computer. Each of the 64 images differs in angle and colour. 

These images are arrayed in a grid of four by eight, making a total of 32.  The

order of the array is changed each and every viewing utilising complex

mathematical logarithms, with so many potential derivations that it is

extremely unlikely the same pattern will ever be repeated.

Colorful is launching his career with this work, a 21st century response to

Andy Warhol's 32 Campbell Soup Cans.  It represents a perplexing turning

point in our contemporary understanding of what makes something “art”, and

how it can be valued.

The work is part contemporary pop art, part mathematical exercise and part

digital experiment. It celebrates and exploits the mass automation of data, and

the recently acquired ability of technology to endlessly produce and distribute

en masse aesthetic works by providing a unique and original interpretation of

the theme to each and every viewer.  It has literary trillions upon trillions of

unique potential versions.

As there are more variations of this artwork than atoms in the universe, under

the law of supply and demand, which states that when supply totally outstrips

demand the cost of each unit should fall to zero, the cost of this piece is free. 

This is exactly what ‘64


Spam Cans – Art Wants to be Free’ achieves:

everyone can have as many unique copies of this work as they could ever


But herein lies the irony: though there are millions and millions of unique

works out there, there is only one true original: the Digital Original.  The Digital

the original images, an exciting new development in the distribution of digital


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or email Aga

Bialkowska on:  

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