Call For Artwork For State Trustees Connected10(tm) Exhibition And Art Prize

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13th April 2010, 03:58pm - Views: 1345

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Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Call for Artwork for State Trustees connected10™ Exhibition and Art Prize

Artists with a disability or experience of mental illness are invited to submit their artwork for the annual

State Trustees connected10 art exhibition, to be held at Melbourne Central, from 13 to 26 August 2010.

Artworks will be considered across a range of mediums including painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture,

digital media, photography, printmaking and poetry.

More than 700 submissions were received for State Trustees connected09™, with 160 of these

selected for display at the exhibition.

This year, for the first time, the exhibition will be held at Melbourne Central, which has a high volume of

people walking through each day.

Apart from providing our artists with significant exposure for their artworks, having the exhibition at this

venue will help achieve one of the exhibition’s aims of providing an opportunity for the artists to connect

with the community.

State Trustees’ Managing Director Tony Fitzgerald said the exhibition aimed to strengthen the

connection between artists with a disability or experience of mental illness, and their communities.

“We hope the exhibition will be accessible to a broad range of people in the Victorian community. Our

vision is to engage as many people as possible in an understanding and celebration of diversity and

ability, while fostering a greater appreciation of the potential of all people,” Mr Fitzgerald said.

The prestigious exhibition, now in its 8th year, is open to new and emerging Victorian artists 18 years

and over, who have a disability or experience of mental illness.

Emerging artists from community projects, supported residential services, work place employment and

training initiatives, as well as independent artists and studios, are encouraged to submit their work for

the exhibition.

Prizes of $750, $500 and $250 will be awarded, in addition to the annual Allan Merigan ‘People’s

Choice’ Award.

Submissions for State Trustees’ connected10 will close at 5pm on Monday 7 June 2010, with the

winners to be announced at the official opening, on 13 August 2010. As in previous years, an expert

panel of judges will select the winning artworks.

About State Trustees 

A Victorian State Government-owned business, State Trustees core services include providing

administrative services for persons with a disability, Will preparation, acting under Enduring Powers of

Attorney, acting as executor or administrator for estates and the provision of general Trustee and

related services for the Victorian community. 

For interviews or photo opportunities please contact Sonja Viduka Media Advisor, State

Trustees Limited on (03) 9667 2856 or M: 0417 382 303

State Trustees connected10 is proudly supported by Melbourne Central

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