Conference And Festival To Draw On Design Strengths

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12th February 2010, 12:30pm - Views: 863

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Conference and festival to draw on design strengths

Experts from Australia and Europe will celebrate drawing in all its meanings at a

festival and conference to be hosted by RMIT University.

Drawing Out will discuss drawing as a way of thinking, designing and

communicating in central Melbourne from 7 to 9 April.

Keynote speakers include:

Professor Stephen Farthing, University of the Arts London

Professor Georg Gartner, Vienna University of Technology

Professor Mark Minchinton, RMIT 

Godwin Bradbeer, RMIT 

RMIT Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Margaret Gardner AO, said: “This

is an exciting opportunity for those whose passion is design and art to come

together and share ideas.

“Drawing Out is a trans-disciplinary conference. It explores drawing across the

boundaries of disciplines. It addresses drawing as a way of thinking and

communicating in the 21st century. Whoever we are, drawing is part of our

everyday and professional lives.


“It’s appropriate that RMIT is hosting this conference, given our excellence in

learning, teaching and research in art and design. It is also in keeping with our

global ethos that the event is being put on in collaboration with the University of the

Arts London.” 

The event will also present recent, high-quality research by speakers and artists

from eight countries including Portugal, Egypt and New Zealand as well as a suite

of international exhibitions. 

The conference brings together a variety of disciplines and is co-convened by

Professor Elizabeth Grierson, Head, School of Art; Keith Cowlishaw, Head, School

of Fashion and Textiles; and Professor Stephen Farthing, University of the Arts

London, and is supported by Professor Mark Burry, Director, RMIT Design

Research Institute. Drawing Out is also sponsored by the Department of

Innovation, Industry, Science and Research.

To register for the conference, visit

For more information or interviews: Professor Elizabeth Grierson, (03) 9925

2219; or Keith Cowlishaw, (03) 9925 9100.

For general media enquiries: RMIT University Communications, David

Glanz, (03) 9925 2807 or 0438 547 723.

12 February, 2010   

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