Media Release
Saturday 5th December 2009
Fed Square Big Screen at Marysville To Stay Longer
The original Fed Square Big Screen installed at the bushfire ravaged township of
Marysville has been extended and will remain until the 7th of February the
anniversary of black Saturday.
The eighteen tonne screen was sent to Marysville where it was assembled and
used for the first AFL football final on Friday 4th September to become a rallying
point the small community rebuilding after the bushfires and has assisted in the
promotion of tourism and community events .
The screen is located at the car museum which is being opened today.
An alliance between Fed Square, Centacare Catholic Family Services, Regional
Arts Victoria , Helen Macpherson Smith Trust and the Marysville and Triangle
Development Group has been responsible for the benefit of a large screen for
community events, development and cultural experiences.
Media Enquiries:
Bridget Lloyd Jones Regional Arts Victoria (On Site) 0408 844.848
Ron Smith Fed Square Mobile: 0417 329 201