Goma Shows Picasso's Collection - First Time Outside Europe

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7th June 2008, 04:04pm - Views: 952


Attention: Arts Editors and Writers

GoMA shows Picasso's collection -- first time outside Europe

WHAT: Media Preview: `Picasso & his collection'
Official Opening: `Picasso & his collection'

WHERE: Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA), Stanley Place, South Bank

WHEN: Media Preview: 10.30am-1.00pm Sunday 9 June
Official Opening: 6.00pm Sunday 9 June

WHO: Anna Bligh, Premier of Queensland
Anne Baldassari, Director, Picasso Museum, Paris
Tony Ellwood, Director, Queensland Art Gallery

For the first time outside Europe, Picasso's private collection is showing exclusively in Brisbane curated
by the Director of the Picasso Museum, Paris, Anne Baldassari.
`Picasso & his collection' features more than 100 works by artists such as Matisse, Renoir, Czanne,
Rousseau, Miro, Modigliani and Braque, with more than 80 works by Picasso.
Highlight is an early 20th century mask from Mabuiag Island in the Torres Strait.
Masterpieces include Picasso's Head of a woman 1921 and Nude in a garden 1934, Paul Czanne's
Five bathers 187778, The sea at l'Estaque 187879, Henri Matisse's Still life with oranges or Basket of
oranges 1912 and Tulips and oysters on a black background 1943.

Media Preview:
Anne Baldassari, Director Picasso Museum, Paris with key works.
Children making masks and paper sculptures, inspired by Picasso's works, in the Children's Art Centre.
Young people in the contemporary media lounge watching live-streamed TV and creating their own
music tracks with interactive DJ turntables.

Torres Strait Island representative will play conch shell and local Indigenous representative will play
didgeridoo in recognition of the inclusion of the Torres Strait Island mask in the exhibition.
800 guests seeing the exhibition for the first time.

Media contact: Amelia Gundelach 3840 7162 or 0404 994 985.
Parking: [Drop-off Stanley Place, South Bank. Parking is available in the Queensland Art Gallery Car Park, enter
via Cultural Centre Underpass]

`Picasso & his collection' has been organised by the muse national Picasso, Paris, in association with the
Queensland Art Gallery and Art Exhibitions Australia. It is dedicated to the Picasso family.

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