Media Invitation: Mythic Creatures Exhibition Preview 1

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15th December 2009, 07:07pm - Views: 1159

People Feature Australian National Maritime Museum 1 image

People Feature Australian National Maritime Museum 2 image


The Australian National Maritime Museum

at Darling Harbour 

is opening its doors these holidays to a host of



see them at a Media Preview

Friday, 18 December, at 10.30 am

This remarkable exhibition has been assembled by the highly acclaimed American Museum of Natural

History, New York, in co-operation with four other museums  including the Australian National

Maritime Museum. 

It brings together an amazing variety of imaginary creatures from different countries and cultures

around the globe… some of which have endured for centuries in powerful stories, song, vivid images

and creative mythology. 

And the exhibition considers what in the real world caused these creatures to take shape in human


Highlights of the exhibition: 

<>  a colourful 20-metre Chinese parade deragon 

<> a 3-metre Western dragon with a 4-metre wingspan 

<> a huge roc (imaginary bird) swooping above the heads of visitors 

<> a legendary kraken (sea monster) with 4-metre tentacles

<> vast numbers of creatures portrayed creatively in art and artefacts. 

Curator Penny Cuthbert will be available for interview. 

The exhibition Mythic Creatures: Dragons, Unicorns & Mermaids will be on view at the Australian

National Maritime Museum, Darling Harbour, from Saturday, 19 December, until 23 May next year.

Admission FREE.

People Feature Australian National Maritime Museum 3 image

People Feature Australian National Maritime Museum 4 image

15 December 2009                   Media information, images Bill Richards 0418 403 472   

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