We Are One Project To Empower Migrant Youth

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2nd December 2009, 04:00am - Views: 2057
We Are One Project To Empower Migrant Youth

2 December 2009

A new project entitled We Are One will empower and engage Arabic-speaking youth in Melbourne's north western suburbs, the Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services, Laurie Ferguson, announced today.

Victorian Arabic Social Services has been awarded $160 000 through the Department of Immigration and Citizenship Diverse Australia Program to reach eight secondary schools in the Hume, Moreland, Whittlesea and Hobsons Bay local government areas.

"We Are One will address feelings of isolation and frustration often expressed by young migrants due to low self-esteem, disengagement from education and lack of knowledge regarding their rights," Mr Ferguson said.

"It will employ practical strategies including mentoring, policing information sessions and personal development programs such as conflict resolution, leadership and communication skills.

"Cultural awareness training for parents and teachers will also be part of the project.

"The migration experience is an enormously challenging one that affects not only first generation migrants, but their children as well.

"Some 10 000 people will be involved in the life of the We Are One project, including students, teachers, parents and community members.

"A whole-of-community approach backed by government support can help our youth
achieve full participation.

"This project will engage youth with education and empower them to choose positive pathways for the future."

The Diverse Australia Program aims to address emerging issues of cultural, racial and religious intolerance.

Media Contact Carla Wilshire 0432 755 935

SOURCE: Laurie Ferguson, Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs

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