Fairtrade Movement Heightens With Green & Black's Organic Chocolate Announcing Their Full Range To G

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28th January 2010, 02:01pm - Views: 805

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Fairtrade movement heightens with Green & Black’s Organic Chocolate announcing their

full range to go certified Fairtrade

Fairtrade Labelling Australia & New Zealand today confirmed premium organic chocolate maker

Green & Black’s will be going Fairtrade Certified™ across the vast majority of its block chocolate

range this year. 

This means Aussie consumers will shortly be able to enjoy even more Green & Black’s chocolate

confident in the knowledge that it is both organic and Fairtrade Certified™.

Fairtrade is a unique independent system providing farmers with the security of fair prices for their

produce and additional investment for social, environmental and economic development in their

communities (the Fairtrade Premium). 

Today’s commitment by Green & Black’s to Fairtrade will result in an investment of approximately

AUD$540k a year through additional Fairtrade Premiums paid to Dominican Republic cocoa

farmers and their communities. These farmers are now the main source of cocoa for Green &

Black’s and the move towards complete Fairtrade Certification is part of their ongoing

commitment to ethical trading.

Fairtrade Labelling Australia & New Zealand Executive Director Steve Knapp said Fairtrade was

excited Green & Black’s had made the commitment to extend Fairtrade Certification across the

majority of its range.

“This means more Australian consumers will have the opportunity to buy Fairtrade and know they

are helping to make a difference. 

“The funding received by farmers through the Fairtrade Premium will be spent on initiatives to

improve quality, yields and education which will in turn increase income for the farmers and help

ensure the sustainability of the Dominican Republic cocoa industry and a brighter future for

farmers, their families and their communities.”

Green & Black’s Managing Director Dominic Lowe said the company bought quality, organic

Trinitario cocoa beans from cooperatives in the Dominican Republic, and had done so for 10


“Up until now we have committed AU$540,000 in local initiatives to improve quality and

availability, but we wanted to do more to support our farmers. 

“The move to Fairtrade Certification is a key milestone in our relationship with the farmers that are

so fundamental in the making of the best tasting, premium, organic, and now Fairtrade, chocolate

you can buy.”

Green & Black’s will work in partnership with cocoa cooperatives, farmers, local NGOs and

Fairtrade to deliver community projects in the Dominican Republic, funded by the Fairtrade



Press contacts for Green&Black’s and Fairtrade Association: BANG PR 02 9018 2222 

Sarah Kucera: sarahk@bangpr.com.au 

Emma Harris: emma@bangpr.com.au

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