Ls Moonshine: American White-lightening Strikes China

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17th September 2008, 03:29pm - Views: 1006

Culture Food Beverage LS Moonshine, LLC 1 image

LS Moonshine: American White-Lightening Strikes China

CHANGSHA, Hunan, Sept. 17 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    American Moonshine Whiskey will be produced by Hunan Moonshine Liquor

Co. Ltd, a joint venture between American LS Moonshine, LLC and a Chinese

individual, at the end of October 2008.

    All imported whiskeys on Chinese market have been aged in oak

barrels. "Western people drink the aged whiskey all alone. Habit makes

for happiness.  But Chinese people who are happy with Baijiu (white

liquor) have a hard time with the oak taste," Miss Lu Wang, President of

Hunan Moonshine Liquor Co. Ltd., said. "So, no one drinks expensive

whiskey neat or on the rocks at the bars, everyone mixes it with Coke or

tea, which makes it hard to tell if the whiskey is a counterfeit."

However , Moonshine, not aged in oak barrels, has almost the same taste

as Chinese Baijiu.  The whiskey was developed by Irish and Scottish

people who migrated to America, which was legal to distill until after

the civil war when Lincoln imposed excise taxes on liquor to pay the war

debt. Mountain moonshiners then moved into the woods, making their

illegal whiskey under the moon.  Therefore, it is commonly known as

Moonshine, or white lightening.

    "A friend gave me a bottle. I didn't know that America had Baijiu,

but the Moonshine tasted smoother. I brought it to Huarong, Hunan. The

county leaders Mr. Weixiong Xiang and Mr. Tao Wang immediately persuaded

us to build a distillery," Tong Li, the president of LS Moonshine, LLC,

said.  "After twenty years of reform, China imported all the mass

produced products, but products like Moonshine with a rich folklore is

almost nonexistent."

   Although it is not easy to find the white lightening in America, the

legends of bootleggers and moonshiners are abundant in American

literature. Even the world famous NASCAR was evolved from moonshiners

racing their fast cars. The terms "moonshiner's turn" or "Bootlegger's

turn" are still used today in auto racing.

    Once available on the market, Moonshine whiskey and its stories will

strike Chinese dinner tables with a white lightening taste at NASCAR


SOURCE:  LS Moonshine, LLC

         CONTACT: Tong Li, LS Moonshine, LLC



             Fax: +1-517-371-3028


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