Queensland Conservation | 166 Ann Street, Brisbane Q 4000
Phone 07 3211 0188 | Fax 07 3229 7992
For immediate release
24 February 2009
Shoppers urged to buy local
Shoppers across southeast Queensland are being encouraged to choose locally grown produce
through a timely campaign being undertaken by Queensland Conservation.
The Grow Local SEQ Campaign aims to increase the production and consumption of locally grown
food across the region.
Campaign Manager, Samantha Morris says shoppers have an important role to play.
Food from local farms is transported a shorter distance than food brought from interstate. This
means it can be picked riper and needs less chemicals to preserve it on store shelves. Eating local
foods means you are eating seasonal food that is fresher, with the economic flow on effect
benefiting farmers and the environment, Samantha said.
Queensland Conservation believes local food is good for the environment and good for peoples
health and Samantha says the Grow Local campaign is as much about reconnecting people with the
landscape as it is about protecting the environment.
We really want to support growers and farmers in southeast Queensland, Samantha said. And
were urging shoppers to get behind our campaign by asking questions about where their food come
The Grow Local campaign offers support and resources for people interested in making educated
choices about the food they buy and eat.
Queensland Conservation is bringing together many local food enthusiasts at a community forum
being held on Friday 27 February at Griffith Ecocentre to discuss the regional Grow Local strategy.
To join the campaign mailing list, or for further information about the event, contact
sam@wombatcreative.com.au or phone 07 5538 5109.