Noble Rise Honey and Wholemeal contains 42 grams of wholemeal per serve, 87% of recommended daily intake based on 48 grams of
wholegrains per day as recommended by Go Grains Health & Nutrition Ltd
15 September 2008 (Sydney) The people of Australia have spoken, no longer will they stomach bland, boring
sandwiches. The Australian palate has evolved, demanding that bread has interesting, modern flavours that
people can enjoy eating and serving. Noble Rise is at the forefront of the bread revolution, with five new
exciting and unique flavours combining to make a bread range like no other.
Now theres no excuse for anyone to suffer through flavourless sandwiches as Noble Rises appetising new
range has hit shelves in supermarkets and convenience stores Australia wide.
Noble Rise Honey & Wholemeal is made with a touch of natural honey to add a smooth, rich flavour to wholesome
wheat flakes. Each serve, containing 42 grams of wholemeal, provides 87 per cent of the recommended daily
intake of wholegrain*.
Noble Rise Mountain Pepper & Grains contains Tasmania Lanceolata commonly known as Mountain Pepper,
which is a savoury spice with a mild pepper like flavour. Mountain Pepper is then mixed with beneficial
wholegrains to bake a zesty and delicious bread.
Noble Rise Outback Spice & Grains combines a unique blend of wild Australian herbs and spices to give tastebuds a
truly original treat. The bite from pepperberry and mountain pepper is balanced with the subtle citrus notes of
lemon aspen, with its hints of menthol and eucalyptus. The flavour of this special loaf is rounded off with
aromatic aniseed myrtle with back notes of green tea.
Noble Rise Olive Oil & Sea Salt is made with few pinches of natural Australian sea salt and a splash of the wonder
ingredient extra virgin olive oil, which makes this loaf super soft and delicious.
Noble Rise Sunflower & Basil combines the blossoming aroma of natural basil with the goodness of sunflower
seeds and is packed with unsaturated oils, protein, fibre and essential nutrients to create a unique and
gourmet bread experience.
All Noble Rise breads are free from artificial preservatives and provide a good source of dietary fibre per serve
heralding a tasty and wholesome end to bland bread.
Noble Rises five new loaves are now available from supermarkets and convenience stores throughout Australia.
RRP $4.79. Customer service number 1800 645 515
Look out for Noble Rises new campaign Take A Stand Against Bland with Bland Aid- airing tonight!
For media enquiries please contact:
Mango Communications - Georgina Morris / Erica Valenti
02 8260 2842 / 2864
0433 469 961 /0405 147 951