Von Muhlenen Again Successful At The 2009 World Cheese Awards

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5th October 2009, 11:14am - Views: 868

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Von Muhlenen Again Successful at the 2009 World Cheese Awards

DUDINGEN, Oct. 4 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Four-time World Cheese Champion von Muhlenen, a family-owned company from Fribourg, has won 15

awards at this year's World Cheese Awards, which took place in Las Palmas, Cran Canary from October 1 - 3.

"Le Gruyere Premier Cru"

was even named best Gruyere AOC. At this year's international World Cheese Awards, nearly 2,500 cheeses

from 34 different countries were judged by an international panel consisting of some 200 experts.


    The award for best AOC Le Gruyere went to:

    Le Gruyere Switzerland Premier Cru produced by Adrian Scheidegger

    Gold Awards were awarded to the following:

    Le Gruyere Switzerland Premier Cru produced by Franz Jungo

    Le Gruyere Switzerland Premier Cru produced by Adrian Scheidegger

    Le Gruyere Switzerland Classic produced by Alexandre Gux

    Le Gruyere Switzerland Classic produced by Franz Jungo

    Alpenglocke (Alpine Bell) produced by Franz Jungo

    Weissensteiner Schlosskaese (Whitemountain) produced by Marc Jakob

    Almrausch Ruschtig (Alpine Rose Rustic) produced by Henri Ledentu

    Almrausch classic (Alpine Rose classic) poduced by Serge Bongard

    Silver Awards went to:

    Bucheggberg (Beechtree Mountain cheese) produced by Marc Jakob

    Emmentaler Tradition Switzerland, Classic produced by Alfred Schenk

    Farmer Cheese from Fribourg, produced by Henri Ledentu

    Bronze Awards were awarded to:

    Le Gruyere Switzerland Premier Cru produced by Markus Sturni

    Le Gruyere Switzerland Premier Cru produced by Alexandre Guex

    Le Gruyere Switzerland Classic produced by Serge Grossrieder

    Based on these results, von Muhlenen has again demonstrated its consistent quality after winning the world

titles at the World Cheese Awards in 1992, 2002, 2005 and 2006 in Wisconsin, USA. These results are unique

to Switzerland.

    The von Muhlenen family has dedicated itself to the production of traditional raw milk cheese from

Switzerland for four generations, selling its products through its own distribution network all over the world.

The company is represented on the German, British and Italian markets with its own outlets, while working

with other distributors and importers in other countries. Today, the company is managed by Mr. Roger von

Muhlenen and Mr. Walo von Muhlenen. A total of 50 dairies supply their raw milk cheeses to the company. In

addition to the world famous Le Gruyere and Emmentaler cheeses, the company's assortment also includes

over one hundred other specialites.


    Press Contact:

    Walo von Muhlenen

Culture Food Beverage Von Muehlenen AG 3 image

    Von Muhlenen AG

    Bonnstrasse 1

    CH-3186 Dudingen

    Tel: +41-26-492-93-30

    Fax: +41-26-492-93-39

    Mobile: +41-79-217-54-11

    E-mail: walo@vonmuhlenen.net

    SOURCE: Von Muehlenen AG

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