Applications Closing For Rta Aboriginal Scholarships

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11th October 2010, 03:24pm - Views: 1266

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11 OCTOBER 2010



Scholarships worth up to $5,000 are being offered by the RTA to Aboriginal students

looking to become Civil Engineers. 

“Students interested in a job in civil engineering or a related field, like surveying or

environmental engineering and are completing year 11 or 12 in 2011 be quick to submit

as applications close October 22,” said an RTA spokesperson. 

“To receive a scholarship, students will need to include mathematics and science

subjects in their year 11 and 12 study.

“Up to $5,000 is available for High School students to help them buy educational tools

and services such as tutoring or text books. 

“The RTA already supports nine Aboriginal HSC scholars across New South Wales under

the Aboriginal HSC Scholarship Program initiative. 

“This employment pathway program encourages Aboriginal students from across the

state in their last years at high school to apply for funding to support them in their studies.

“Each HSC scholar also participates in a two week work experience program which

provides them with insight into day to day RTA operations.” said an RTA spokesperson.

Recently the nine existing scholars came to Sydney to attend a two day program which

included attending the annual National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance

Committee celebration. 

An RTA spokesperson said it was a very positive experience for all, the scholars, parents

and RTA staff. We want young Aboriginal students and their families to talk about their

career options and how to position themselves for technical pathways that the RTA

offers. This is just one initiative working towards that objective.


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