Maxine Mckew To Launch Book On Childhood Development

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27th August 2008, 01:21pm - Views: 1256

Culture Indigenous Cooperative Research Centre For Aboriginal Health 1 image

August 27 2008

New book on early childhood interventions -

Maxine McKew to launch 

As the Rudd Government awaits the report from its NT Emergency Response Review

Board a comprehensive new book focusing on Aboriginal child development will be

launched in Parliament House, Canberra by the Parliamentary Secretary for early

childhood education and child care, Ms Maxine McKew.

The book, Contexts of Child Development - Culture, Policy and Intervention is

divided into three sections, the first of which investigates the many facets of Aboriginal

childhood from colonial policies to contemporary family and clan relations. 

The second focuses on the inter-relation of children and the state with analyses based

on intervention programs both in Australia and in several other countries. 

The third and last section zeroes in on policies and programs that centre on improving

children’s engagement in school activities and their competence in skills such as literacy.

It offers a fresh look at questions about context, policy, and child development,

challenging us to think about different pathways for learning.

The book’s main editor Associate Professor Gary Robinson of the School for Social and

Policy Research at Charles Darwin University said there are “many powerful messages

in this book, some for government, some for professionals and researchers, and some

for communities themselves.”

“This book will help inform debate about the many important initiatives to support the

future wellbeing of our children and about the need for evidence of their effectiveness in

the specific cultural and social contexts in which children live,” said Professor Robinson. 

In the foreword CRCAH Chief Executive Officer, Mick Gooda, writes that the book’s

authors “challenge longstanding orthodoxies and open up perspectives which should

inform our efforts to protect children and support their healthy development and learning

in the 21st century.”


Senate Alcove, Parliament House, Canberra


Monday September 1


10.30am – 12.00 midday

For more information: Alastair Harris CRCAH Communications – 0409658177

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