Psychological Distress High For Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander People

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29th October 2010, 02:31pm - Views: 1807

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October 29, 2010 

       Embargo: 11.30 am (AEDT)

129 /2010

Psychological distress high for Aboriginal and 

Torres Strait Islander people

Nearly one in every three Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults

experienced high levels of psychological distress, more than twice the rate for

non-Indigenous Australians, according to the latest ABS figures released today.

In 2008, high levels of psychological distress, which includes feelings of

depression and anxiety, were experienced by 31% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander adults. 

Rates were particularly high among victims of violence (46%), people with a

disability or long-term health condition (43%), and those who had experienced

discrimination (44%) or removal from their natural family (39%). 

Despite high rates of psychological distress, the majority (72%) of adults reported

being happy all or most of the time. Rates were higher among those living in

remote areas (78%) than non-remote areas (71%). 

More details on these and other topics, including Housing and Access to health

services, are available in the October release of

The Health and Welfare of

Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

(cat. no. 4704.0),

available for free download from the ABS web site. Additional analysis as part of

this release will be available later in 2010.

Media notes:

Psychological distress is measured using a modified version of the Kessler

Psychological Distress Scale. High scores indicate that feelings of anxiety or

depression may be being experienced on a regular basis, whereas a low score

indicates these feelings are experienced less frequently or not at all.

Please ensure when reporting on ABS data that you attribute the Australian

Bureau of Statistics (or ABS) as the source.


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Corporate Communications 1300 175 070

When reporting ABS data, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (or ABS)

must be attributed as the source

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