Sa Government & State Opposition To Sign Statement Of Intent To Close The Gap

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29th October 2010, 11:20am - Views: 1705

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Embargoed until 4.00pm 29 October 2010

Note: Due to high level security at this event, please phone Michele Robinson on 8273 7200 or

0408 821 289 to arrange a pass to attend.

SA Government & State Opposition to Sign Statement of Intent to Close the Gap

On Friday 29 October 2010 at 4.00pm in the Balcony Room of Parliament House in Adelaide,

SA Acting Premier the Hon. Kevin Foley, Minister for Health the Hon. John Hill MP, Shadow

Minister for Health Dr Duncan McFedtridge, Chairperson of the Aboriginal Health Council of SA

Inc. Ms Yvonne Buza, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner 

Mr Mick Gooda, will sign the Statement of Intent for South Australia to Close the Gap in life

expectancy between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal Australians within

a generation.

The Hon. John Hill MP, will host the event which will be attended by Aboriginal and 

non-Aboriginal organisations and people who are working together to Close the Gap.

Other key signatories to the Statement of Intent will be:

Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement

AHCSA Member Services 

Anglicare SA

Australian Medical Association of South Australia

Australian Nurses Federation of South Australia

General Practice SA

Heart Foundation

Indigenous Allied Health Alliance


Reconciliation SA

South Australian Council for Social Service

The Statement of Intent commits the signatories to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait

islander people to achieve equality in health status and life expectancy by the year 2030.

Specifically the Statement says:

We share a determination to close the fundamental divide between the health outcomes and

life expectancy of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia and non-

Indigenous Australians.

We are committed to ensuring that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have equal

life chances to all other Australians.

We are committed to working towards ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

have access to health services that are equal in standard to those enjoyed by other

Australians, and enjoy living conditions that support their social, emotional and cultural well-


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We recognise that specific measures are needed to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander peoples’ access to health services. Crucial to ensuring equal access to health

services is ensuring that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are actively involved

in the design, delivery, and control of these services.

The signatories commit to:

Developing a comprehensive, long-term plan of action, that is targeted to need, evidence-

based and capable of addressing the existing inequities in health services, in order to

achieve equality of health status and life expectancy between Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians by 2030.

Ensuring primary health care services and health infrastructure for Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander peoples which are capable of bridging the gap in health standards by 2018.

Ensuring the full participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their

representative bodies in all aspects of addressing their health needs.

Working collectively to systematically address the social determinants that impact on

achieving health equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Building on the evidence base and supporting what works in Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander health, and relevant international experience.

Supporting and developing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled

health services in urban, rural and remote areas in order to achieve lasting improvements in

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing.

Achieving improved access to, and outcomes from, mainstream services for Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Respect and promote the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, including

by ensuring that health services are available, appropriate, accessible, affordable, and of

good quality.

Measure, monitor, and report on our joint efforts, in accordance with benchmarks and

targets, to ensure that we are progressively realising our shared ambitions.

The Statement of Intent has been spearheaded by the Aboriginal Health Council of SA Inc. and

Oxfam Australia. The Aboriginal Health Council SA is the peak body representing Aboriginal

health and substance misuse services, and Aboriginal health advisory committees in South

Australia at a state and national level.

ENDS. For further information contact: Michele Robinson, Aboriginal Health Council of South

Australia Inc., 08 8273 7200 or 0408 821 289.

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