Wesley Mission Melbourne To Launch Report On Indigenous Health Policy

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2nd December 2009, 10:00am - Views: 1247

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People Feature Wesley Mission Melbourne 2 image

Wednesday 2nd

December, 2009

CONTACT: Andrew Blyberg

0401 691 666, ablyberg@wesley.org.au 

Media Event Alert


For Immediate Release

Wesley Mission Melbourne to launch report on the consumer voice in

indigenous health policy


Wesley Mission Melbourne will be launching an important report that reveals the

need for a stronger role for Aboriginal consumers in the formulation of indigenous

health policy and service delivery. The ‘Talking it Up’ research report was produced

by Wesley Mission Melbourne, Deakin University, and Aboriginal elders associated

with the Maya Healing Centre. 


The Hon. Warren Snowdon, Federal Minister for Indigenous Health, Rural and

Regional Health and Regional Services Delivery

Poul Bottern, Wesley Mission Melbourne CEO. 

Mr Todd Harper, CEO VicHealth 

Rev Alistair Macrae, President Uniting Church Australia 

Mr Vince Ross, Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress National



10am Thursday December 3

WHERE:     The Maya Healing Centre, 11 Rossmoyne Street, Thornbury Victoria


The project highlights that a stronger role for Aboriginal consumers would facilitate

the bringing together of indigenous knowledge with contemporary health policy to

improve how we deliver health services to indigenous consumers. The report

highlights the need to create protocols that give rise to new ways of healing that are

community-generated and community-supported, and which foster independence

rather than a reliance on Government.


Interview and photo opportunities will be available at the launch of the report with the Hon.

Warren Snowdon, Wesley CEO Poul Bottern and an Aboriginal consumer and leader of the

project, Aunty Shirley Firebrace.


Media contacts:

To set up an interview or for further information please contact - Andrew Blyberg: 0401 691 666 or email

ablyberg@wesley.org.au or Cassie Wells: 0466 205 772 or email cwells@wesley.org.au

About Wesley Mission Melbourne

Wesley Mission Melbourne provides services for people who are at risk of homelessness, people with disabilities, youth

and families in crisis and older people. A community service organisation of the Uniting Church, Wesley advocates for

better community and government responses to situations of need, and seeks to educate the wider public to change

underlying attitudes and values about disadvantaged people.

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