"tiff 2010" Dep Proudly Presents Thailand's Premier Furniture Showcase Under The Concept Of "living

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4th February 2010, 11:55pm - Views: 674

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"TIFF 2010" DEP proudly presents Thailand's premier furniture showcase  Under the

concept of "Living A Green Life"

BANGKOK, Feb. 4/InfoQuest-AsiaNet/ --

   The Department of Export Promotion (DEP) in collaboration with the Furniture Industry

Club, the Federation of Thai Industries, and the Thai Furniture Industries Association,

is organizing the Thailand International Furniture Fair 2010 (TIFF 2010), under the

concept of "Living A Green Life". This event gives business operators a chance to both

exhibit their latest furniture designs and seek business partnerships. TIFF 2010 will

take place during March 10th-14th, at IMPACT, Thailand. 

   Mrs. Srirat Rastapana, DEP Director-General, stated that, "The global concerns about

climate change have driven designers around the world to originate a new concept of

furniture design in order to help raise public awareness on global warming. Such a

concept has become a new trend in furniture design. To capitalize on this opportunity,

the DEP has planned to arrange this year's TIFF event under the concept of "Living A

Green Life", which is in compliance with the rising global trend. 

   "The event will be divided into two parts. During the first three days, March 10th-

12th, the event is open exclusively for trade negotiations, while in the last two days,

March 13th-14th, it is open for public retailing. Apart from being a spectacular, all-

inclusive showcase of Thailand's very best furniture production capacity and design,

TIFF 2010 promises to be a great platform for leading Thai furniture manufacturers,

entrepreneurs, designers and operators of related businesses including spare parts,

machinery and interior décor materials, to meet with potential buyers and counterparts

from overseas. It's a great chance for virtually everybody in the furniture industry to

seek alliance and reach common success." added Mrs. Srirat.

   Mrs. Srirat further noted that, "TIFF 2010 is anticipated to be the most

comprehensive furniture exposition ever staged in Thailand. This expectation is to

encompass the various aspects of the event including the number of participating

exhibitors; revolutionary furniture designs; and, the trade and business opportunities

it will present to international visitors and exhibitors themselves. In addition, TIFF

2010 will pave the way for professional Thai designers to demonstrate their capabilities

to the world, through collections of unique furniture designs or furniture items made

from innovative, eco-friendly materials. The event is expected to welcome more than

33,000 international visitors from Japan, USA, EU, India, Middle East, Africa, Canada,

Australia, Malaysia and Singapore. 

   For more information, please contact:

                         Integrated Communication Co., Ltd.

                         Email: usanee@incom.co.th 

   SOURCE:  Integrated Communication Co., Ltd.

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