October 09, 2010.
Towards Hope Foundation to Assist Palestine Childrens Relief Fund in Gaza
Towards Hope Foundation, a Melbourne based Medical Charity is assisting the Palestine
Childrens Relief Fund
(PCRF), a US based medical charity which works in the Occupied
Palestinian Territories, to send a surgical team into Gaza.
The 4 person surgical team
consists of a Theatre Nurse from Melbourne, an Orthopaedic
Surgeon and a Physiotherapist from Perth and an Anaesthetist from Italy. They will enter Gaza
from Egypt, through the Rafah crossing.
They will work at the Gaza European Hospital in Khan Yunis from October 11 19.
Their work will include
a number of reconstructive procedures and assisting
with ongoing
rehabilitation of the recovering injured people.
Whilst there, the team will provide some training to enable the Palestinian Medical Staff to
continue to do the best they can with the facilities available to them.
This work is vitally necessary because the ongoing illegal siege enforced
Israel and the
international community.
Anybody wishing to assist or
for more information about Towards Hope Foundation please
Richard Middleton
Towards Hope Foundation
Phone: 0408 328 465
Email: richard@towardshope.org