Call For Action International Men's Day 2010

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31st December 2009, 07:42pm - Views: 763

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Media Alert

Call for Action International Men’s Day 2010

International Men’s Day

calls for the

people of the world to unite and

celebrate 2010

with the

theme, ‘Our Children Our Future. International Men’s Day will be held on 19th November 2010. 

The theme ‘Our Children Our Future’

celebrates the 48 hour


that International Men’s

Day has with Universal Children’s Day, which is celebrated on 20th November 2010 and endorsed

by the United Nations, because children need positive male role models.

The celebrations of International Men’s Day 2009 were the largest ever global collaboration of men

and women to address the challenges and problems that men face. Ireland, Canada, Trinidad and

Tobago, Jamaica, Australia, India, United States, Singapore, United Kingdom, Malta, South

Africa, Georgia, New Zealand, Moldova, Germany, Holland and Brazil



of the

nations that celebrated and honored the selfless sacrifices of Men and their invaluable contributions

to families, communities and society. International Men’s Day 2009 was featured in newspaper

headlines, TV stories, magazine articles, blogs, YouTube promos and websites the world over.


Warwick Marsh, Global Coordinator for

International Men’s Day

remarked:  “Dr Jerome

Teelucksingh has done a wonderful job of getting International Men’s Day off the ground and we

are excited that this year our theme is ‘Our Children Our Future’, a celebration of the contribution

fathers make to families and society.”

Dr Jerome Teelucksingh, Founder of International Men’s Day,

commented:  “International

Men’s Day –

IMD --

has the potential to become the global medium to heal our world. Since its

inception, IMD has blossomed into a movement which promotes goodwill and positively transforms

the lives of many persons.”

Jason Thompson, Historian

& Global Promotions Coordinator for International Men’s Day

stated:  “International Men’s Day enjoyed significantly increased interest around the globe this

year with a more than doubling of countries hosting events than in 2008. For example Australia

jumped from holding a single event in 2008 to hosting over 15 formal observations in 2009.”

Uma Challa, International Men’s Day Coordinator for India

responded:  “The theme

‘promoting positive male role models’ has definitely made men and women around the world pause

and think about the many contributions and services of men in our lives, about the vulnerability of

men and the need to love, care and support them every day. This is a great sign and I can only see

the men's movement gaining more and more momentum in the coming years.”

Diane A. Sears, International Men’s Day Coordinator for United States of America said: The

heightened awareness and interest in 2009 International Men’s Day sparked by the media is

energizing a Global Dialogue on Fatherhood, focusing attention on the contributions of Men, and

moving individuals and organizations who have key ‘pieces of the puzzle’ to work together in


collaborative and loving spirit to resolve the critical health and parenting issues confronting Men.”

Judging from the huge growth in 2009 of International Men’s Day, 2010 will be even greater.

CONTACTS: For further information about International Men’s Day visit:


Australia: Warwick Marsh: +61 2 4272 6677:           

Australia:  Jason Thompson


Trinidad & West Indies: Dr. Jerome Teelucksingh: +1 868 665 8227:            

India: Uma Challa:   +91 40 97046 83163:


USA: Diane A. Sears:      1-215-546-0262



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For Family Friendly Men's Movement

1st January

New Years Day

Global Family Day UN

26th January

Australia Day




Valentines Day

8th March

International Women's Day

2nd April

Good Friday

4th April

Easter Sunday

25th April


9th May

Mother's Day

15th May

International Day for Families (UN)

29th May

National Day of Thanksgiving

14-19th June

International Men's Health Week

13th August

National Marriage Day

5th September

Father's Day 

12th September

National Marriage Week 

11th November 

Remembrance Day

19th November 

International Men's Day

20th November 

Universal Children's Day (UN)

25th December 

Christmas Day 

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