Ceatec 2010 Innovation Awards 'as Selected By Us Journalists' Presented At Ceremony Held October 7th

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9th October 2010, 11:09am - Views: 1009

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CEATEC 2010 Innovation Awards 'as Selected by US journalists' Presented at Ceremony Held October 7th

at Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan

TOKYO, Oct. 9 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    CEATEC 2010 Innovation Awards "as selected by US journalists" were presented at a ceremony held October

7th at Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan. Items to be judged included products, technologies, and concepts displayed

and must be announced at CEATEC JAPAN 2010. Objects and themes are selected in the spirit of "having high

consumer value and will be introduced to the US consumer electronics market."

    During CEATEC JAPAN, held October 5-7, the judges visited booths in Makuhari Messe and discussed and

decided 8 category-specific prizes and one grand-prix finalist, as well as a special Smart Grid /Green IT award. Mr.

Michael Kanellos, chairman of the judging team, said at ceremony, "The winners of each prize show an outstanding

and long history of Japanese electronics industries, so it was very difficult to select each prize. Toshiba's Glasses-

less 3D REGZA is, among many strong competitors, the most valuable for consumers, because it is not only

innovative, but has excellent image quality, high performance, a user friendly interface, beautiful cosmetic design

and is overall a totally sophisticated product. The judges were unanimous in their decision to award this prize.

Other very competitive products and technologies, such as Panasonic's 3D lens for digital camera and TDK's see-

through OLED display are very innovative and valuable for consumer, and it was a very difficult decision to decide

amongst so many choices, but the REGZA ran away with the prize this year."

    Wrapping up the presentation, Mr. Kanellos said, "We enjoyed and thank the Japanese electronics industries for

the many technical innovations and cool products we have seen at CEATEC 2010. We again expect even more

innovative and cool technologies at CEATEC 2011."

    CEATEC 2010 Innovation Awards "as selected by US journalist" prizes are as follows:


    Toshiba Corporation; Glasses-less 3D REGZA GL-1 series


    Special Award/Smart Grid/Green IT:

    Panasonic Corporation; Smart energy gateway/energy efficient plan


    Home Entertainment:

    Toshiba Corporation; Glasses-less 3D REGZA GL-1 series



    YAMAHA Corporation; InfoSound



    TDK Corporation; OLED see-through display

    Cellular and mobile technology:

    KDDI Corporation; Social media viewing

    Digital Contents/Software:

    Simplex Co., Ltd.; Calcing Professional


    Digital Imaging:

    Panasonic Corporation; 3D lenses for digital camera



    Alps Electric Co., Ltd.; Overhead module

    Human Health and Household:

    Fujitsu Corporation; Biosensor technology utilizing DNA


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