China Europa 2009: The Essential Event Where China And Europe Talk Green Business Together

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22nd October 2009, 03:25pm - Views: 751

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China Europa 2009: The Essential Event Where China and Europe Talk Green Business Together

LE HAVRE, Oct. 22 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    China Europa is an exhibition and business convention which

aims to foster trade relations between China and Europe. This year's China

Europa, which runs from 8th to 10th December, is themed around Sustainable

Urban Development, and offers a platform for local authorities, businesses

and experts from China and Europe working in this field to meet and do


    China Europa, a unique economic meeting point

    China Europa is organised by Le Havre Developpement, the

economic development agency for the Le Havre region, in partnership with

UBIFRANCE and in association with BCI (Business Conventions International)

for organising the business meetings.

    The 2009 event offers businesses, expert networks and local authorities

from China and Europe the opportunity to strengthen their business dealings

around Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) projects.

    China Europa 2009 is proud to have the patronage of the French

Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea (MEEDDM) and

Ministry of Economy, Industry and Employment (MEIE); the People's Republic of

China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), the Ministry of Housing and

Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD); and of the European Union.

    China Europa, everything you need to develop your international business

    To foster dealings between players from China and Europe, China Europa



    - 10,000 m2 of exhibition space where participants can promote

      their expertise, knowledge and track record

    - 3 days of themed presentations and practical workshops to

      share existing experience in SUD

    - over 5,000 pre-arranged business meetings to sell, export,

      produce, invest, form joint ventures, meet future suppliers ...

    These professional events are unique opportunities which

guarantee you quantifiable, qualified, relevant results.

    China Europa, furthering tomorrow's sustainable cities

    In 2100, 80% of the world's population will live in urban

centres. With these emerging global problems in mind, China Europa is working

to promote harmonious urban development which respects people and their


    Key players in Sustainable Urban Development will be gathering

to exchange ideas and debate practical, implementable solutions to

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environmental problems linked to urban population growth. Scientists,

economists, communicators, architects and town planners will contribute their

expertise on issues such as climate change, circular economy (eco-towns),

mobility of goods and people, CO2 emissions, energy efficiency and


    A high point will be the architects' debate, bringing together

names including Paul Andreu, Jean-Marie Charpentier, Rem Koolhaas and Adolpho


    The following have confirmed their attendance at the opening

lecture on 8 December 2009:


    - Mme. Christine Lagarde, French Minister of Economy, Industry and


    - Mr. Chen Deming, Minister of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

    - Ambassador Serge Abou, head of the European Union delegation in Beijing

    - M. Patrick Devedjian, Minister in charge of the French government's

      economic recovery programme

    Press contact:

    Johanna Toiviainen

    Tel. +33(0)1-55-02-14-58

    SOURCE: China Europa

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