Condemn Exclusion Of Iraqi Leader From Upcoming Elections

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15th January 2010, 08:33pm - Views: 1185

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Australian Supporters of Democra©cy in Iran

Austrralian Supporrterrs of Democcra&copy;cy in Iran

Australian Supporters of Democra&#38;copy;cy in Iran

rra&#38;#38;copy;cy in Iran

a&#38;#38;#38;copy;cy in Iran

PO Box 73, MORTDALE NSW 2223

PO Box 733, MORRTDALE NSW 2223

PO Box 73, MORTDALE NSW 2223





Mohammed Sadeghpour

Telephone: 0415 - 536 443

Peter Murphy

Telephone: 02 - 9211 4164

Treasurer - Mohammed Sadeghpour

Secretaries  - Peter Murphy & Fr Claude Mostowik


Councillor Dr Meredith Burgmann – Senator Claire Moore - Penny Sharpe MLC - Sylvia Hale MLC - Sonia Hornery MLA

Stephen Pitt Walker - Dr Arthur Chesterfield-Evans - Bruce Childs - Dr Jocelynne A. Scutt - Dr Nina Burridge 

Phil Glendenning - Professor Stuart Rees - Kerry Heubel - Richard Walsham 

Media Release

January 15, 2010

Condemn exclusion of Iraqi leader from

upcoming elections

The Australian Supporters of Democracy in Iran condemn the exclusion of Dr Salih Mutlak

from parliamentary elections due in Iraq, and urged the Iraqi government and the

international community to prevent the Iranian regime’s interference in the Iraqi elections.

We note with deep concern reports indicating that Dr Salih Mutlak and the Iraqi National

Dialogue Front have been excluded from the upcoming parliamentary elections in Iraq. This

has caused widespread anxiety in democratic countries. There are many indications that this

is a devious plot by the Iranian regime which is extremely frightened of a free and democratic

election in Iraq. 

One of the objectives of the recent visit to Iraq by the regime’s Foreign Minister was to

exclude Dr Mutlak from taking part in elections.

A free parliamentary election in Iraq will lead to elimination of the regime’s proxies from

many posts in the state and therefore to cutting off the supply of arms to the mullahs in Iraq.

The clerical regime has turned Iraq into a field for its terrorist and fundamentalist objectives.

Any exclusion of Dr Mutlak from elections in Iraq will undermine the legitimacy and

credibility of parliamentary elections in that country. This is a pattern of sham elections

exported by the Iranian regime to Iraq. 

We strongly condemn this undemocratic move and call on the United Nations, the Australian

and US Governments and the European Union to intervene to prevent the exclusion of Dr

Mutlak and other democratic forces from taking part in the elections and not allow the future

of Iraq to sink in darkness and violence.

While millions of people are calling for the downfall of the dictatorship and for democracy in

the streets of Iran, we should not allow the ominous policies of that regime to be imposed

upon Iraq.

For further comment: Mohammad Sadeghpour 0415 536 443; Peter Murphy 0418 312 301

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