Disability Day

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2nd December 2009, 03:53pm - Views: 837

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The RTA is proud to be involved in the 2009 International Day of People with


“On December 3 every year, International Day of People with Disability is celebrated

worldwide, recognising the achievements and contributions of people with disability,”

RTA Director of Corporate Services Richard Boggon said.

“In partnership with the Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management, the

RTA is holding a workshop on Thursday to provide an insight into the design

implications of access for people with disability.

“Practical hands-on exercises will be used to show council and RTA road designers

the sort of barriers faced by people with disability when using roads and footpaths

and how designers can provide improvements.”

Examples include:

Providing kerb mobility ramps to help people with disability cross the road

Controls on pedestrian traffic lights at an accessible height

Audio signals at traffic lights

Tactile markings on the footpath to warn the visually impaired of an approaching


Limiting footpath obstacles like bus shelters and sandwich boards

“The guest speaker will be Ben Sgherza who has been legally blind since a motor

vehicle accident when he was two.

“Ben is now a consultant on disability, including overcoming barriers to access.”

Mr Boggon said the RTA takes equitable access for people with disability seriously.

“The steep steps at the Ridge Street footbridge over the Warringah Freeway in North

Sydney have been supplemented with a pedestrian and cyclist ramp. All new

pedestrian overbridges include either ramps or lifts.”

Mr Boggon said the RTA is also involved in several other important activities on

International Day of People with Disability.

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Training sessions in Newcastle and Parramatta to help businesses develop

Transport Access Guides. These are designed to help people – including

people with disability - get to a site or venue.

Mobility scooter safety seminars in Lane Cove, Parkes and Forbes and a

senior driver’s workshop in Kogarah.

Hosting a special morning tea event to celebrate the valuable contribution of

our staff who live and work with a disability, in the lead-up to International Day

of People with Disability.

“Professor Ron McCallum AO, NSW Ambassador for Disability Day, and recently

appointed Chair of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of People with

Disabilities, will speak to RTA staff at head office in North Sydney.

"Professor McCallum has been totally blind since birth and is the first totally blind

person to be awarded a full professorship in any university in Australia or New

Zealand. He is considered a 'guru' in the industrial relations and labour law fields,” Mr

Boggon said. 


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