Tuesday, 15 December 2009
The Medical Association for Prevention of War applauded a new Australia-sponsored report
for recognising the destructive potential of nuclear weapons, but criticised the slow pace of
disarmament proposed by the report.
While recognising the importance, feasibility and urgency of nuclear disarmament, the
Commission has failed in its major task: developing a plan to get to zero nuclear weapons,
said Association President Dr Bill Williams.
The report proposes a 90% cut in nuclear weapons arsenals by 2025. This would still leave
2,000 nuclear warheads, and we now know that 100 warheads could cause unprecedented
climatic effects, slashing food production and causing upwards of a billion people to starve.
The International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament presented their
report Eliminating Nuclear Threats to the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and his
Japanese counterpart Yukio Hatoyama today.
Dr Williams welcomed the Commissions reminder that nuclear weapons have a unique
capacity to destroy life on this planet.
He noted that the Commission recognises the need for a Nuclear Weapons Convention
advocated by MAPW, and recently supported by Australias 2009 parliamentary report on
nuclear treaties.
However Dr Williams regretted that the report represented a missed opportunity for boldness
of vision.
There have been some really exciting developments in nuclear disarmament recently: what
we need from our leaders now is clear direction and courageous steps. Unfortunately the
Commission appears to be applying the brakes he said.
We are also alarmed that the report uncritically supports the nuclear power industry. It fails to
recognise its key role in the proliferation of nuclear weapons, while perptrating the myth of
peaceful nuclear energy. The Commission acknowledges the need to manage the nuclear
industry risks, particularly in relation to uranium enrichment and spent fuel reprocessing. But
the proliferation-resistant technologies it refers to, do not yet exist.
In a world facing the twin crises of climate change and nuclear weapons, the nuclear industry
should not be encouraged to soak up money and resources. These should be allocated to
research and innovation of safer technologies rather than those which expand the problem of
nuclear weapons proliferation Dr Williams concluded.
Dr Bill Williams, President: 0428 616 245 or (h) 03 5261 6245
Dr Sue Wareham: Immediate Past President: 0407 924 152