Exhibition On Nuclear Disarmament And Human Security Opens In Vienna

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6th October 2010, 02:20am - Views: 1022

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Exhibition on Nuclear Disarmament and Human Security Opens in Vienna

TOKYO, Oct. 5 /Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ --

An antinuclear exhibition created by Buddhist association Soka Gakkai International

(SGI), "From a Culture of Violence to Culture of Peace: Transforming the Human

Spirit," was launched at the Rotunda of the Vienna International Centre on October 4

in cooperation with the NGO Committee on Peace, Vienna. It will be on display through

October 15.

The exhibition's opening reception was attended by some 200 people including UN

officials, diplomats, and NGO activists.

Following a performance by a choir of junior high school students from the

Musikgymnasium Wien, Maher Nasser, director of the United Nations Information Service

(UNIS) Vienna, shared welcoming remarks expressing the significance of holding this

exhibition in Vienna - where the headquarters of IAEA (International Atomic Energy

Agency) and the CTBTO (Comprehensive Nuclear-Test ban Treaty Organization) Preparation

Commission are situated. 

Hiromasa Ikeda, Vice President of SGI, then introduced a message from SGI President

Daisaku Ikeda in which he noted that achieving a world free of nuclear weapons is a

task of unimaginably vast proportions which must be undertaken as a global enterprise

and stressed that SGI has focused its efforts on "challenging those aspects of our

collective mentality that, consciously or unconsciously, accept the continued

existence of nuclear weapons."

Ana Maria Cetto, Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Technical

Cooperation of IAEA, welcomed the exhibition's focus on tackling apathy and on

building human security, saying "In the IAEA, we are convinced that ensuring human

security is key to ensuring global peace."

Also present at the reception were Helmut Bock, Permanent Representative of Austria to

the United Nations in Vienna; Genxin Li, Director of the Division for External

Relations and Legal Affairs of the Preparatory Commission for CTBTO and Klaus

Renoldner, Chairperson of the NGO Committee on Peace, Vienna, and Representative of

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW). 

The exhibition consists of 36 panels highlighting the precarious logic of arms-based

security and examining the need to abolish nuclear weapons from the perspective of

human security. 

SGI has recently intensified its awareness-raising efforts as part of its People's

Decade for Nuclear Abolition campaign (http://www.peoplesdecade.org), with a special

focus on youth. Earlier in 2010, Soka Gakkai youth in Japan gathered over 2 million

signatures on a petition calling for a Nuclear Weapons Convention which would

comprehensively ban nuclear weapons. 

SGI is an international Buddhist association with 12 million members that promotes

peace, culture and education. SGI has a 50-year track record of efforts for the

abolition of nuclear weapons.


Source: Soka Gakkai International

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Joan Anderson

Office of Public Information

Soka Gakkai International

Tel: +81-3-5360-9475

Fax: +81-3-5360-9885

E-mail: janderson[at]sgi.gr.jp

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