Hamburg Further Strengthens Its Relations With India

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20th October 2009, 01:50pm - Views: 1301

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Hamburg Further Strengthens its Relations With India

HAMBURG, Oct. 20 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    From October 23 to November 1, the northern German economic metropolis  Hamburg will host India Week

for the third time. A program featuring some  30 events provides information on current areas of activity and 

developments in the Indian economy, politics and culture. It is all about  opportunities and prospects for closer

cooperation between Hamburg and India. 

     Next to China, India is one of Hamburg's most important trading  partners. The northern German port city

on the Elbe has a population of  approximately four millionand is one of the fastest growing metropolitan 

regions in Europe. India Week further strengthens Hamburg's economic and  cultural relations with India. 

     The event series is sponsored by the Senate of the Free and Hanseatic  City of Hamburg and is supported

by many Indian organisations based in  northern Germany, especially the German Indian Round Table (GIRT),

the  Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and the Hamburg Business Development  Corporation (HWF). In the

future, India Week will be held every two years  in Hamburg. 

     "Cooperation with India offers Hamburg significant potential for both  trade and industry as well as for

science and culture. For this reason, I  am delighted that Hamburg continues to open its gates for cooperation

with  India by hosting India Week 2009," said Hamburg Mayor Ole von Beust at the  beginning of the event

initiative. On October 26, at a Senate reception at  Hamburg City Hall, he will welcome some 400 India Week

guests, including  Indian delegations from the fields of port management, renewable energies,  life sciences,

education, culture and science. 

     In addition to cultural events, conferences and workshops on German- Indian economic relations will be

held. Special events will be held on the  topics of port management and logistics, renewable energies, and 

collaborations in research and science. Also, the "Hanseatic India  Colloquium: Healthcare, Biotechnology and

Pharmaceutical Sciences" will  held for the fourth time. To conclude India Week, the Indo-German Society 

will invite Hamburg's approximately 2,500 Indian citizens and organisations  to celebrate DIWALI, the Indian

festival of lights. 


     Hamburg Marketing GmbH 

     Anette Boos, Media Relations 

     Habichtstrasse 41, D-22305 Hamburg, Germany 

     Phone: +49-40-41-11-10 - 620  

     SOURCE: Hamburg Marketing GmbH 

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