Humanitarian Relief For Displaced People In Pakistan

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20th May 2009, 02:35pm - Views: 831
Humanitarian Relief for Displaced People in Pakistan

Australia will provide a further $12 million to meet urgent and immediate humanitarian needs caused by the escalating conflict in north-west Pakistan.

Australia's assistance is in response to urgent calls by the United Nations and the Pakistan Government.

Australia's assistance will contribute to the international community's efforts to bring stability and security to the border region with Afghanistan.

Renewed fighting between Pakistan Government forces and militants has displaced more than a million people in the North West Frontier Province and Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

Many are now living in overcrowded and difficult conditions in internally displaced people's camps.

Australia's contribution of $12 million will be provided to United Nations agencies, the International Committee of the Red Cross and non-government organisations to help meet the immediate needs of affected communities:

* $7 million to United Nations agencies to help meet the immediate needs of affected communities including provision of food rations, shelter, water and sanitation;
* $3 million to the International Committee of the Red Cross for medical supplies, health services, and relief activities for those living in camps and those still caught in conflict zones; and
* $2 million to Australian non-government organisations for immediate relief activities for internally displaced families.

Today's commitment builds on $6 million provided for humanitarian relief and recovery in North West Pakistan in March 2009 and August 2008.

Australia recently announced a doubling in development assistance to Pakistan to $120 million over two years. This assistance will focus on the provision of health and education services, including in the Afghanistan border region.

This is a key element of the strategy to combat poverty and extremism in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas and the North West Frontier Province.

Australia will remain committed to assisting Pakistan tackle its internal security and development challenges.

Mr Smith's Office:
Courtney Hoogen
02 6277 7500 or 0488 244901

AusAID Public Affairs:
0417 680 590


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