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India Plans Major Push on Australias Leather Import Market
Providing a boost to bi-lateral trade relations between Australia & India, the Indian
leather industry is planning to significantly increase its profile in Australia and take a
greater share of the $1.5 billion import market for leather and leather products.
On August 27th and 28th, some of Indias top leather exporters will host a Business to
Business Meet and Expo at the Westin Hotel in Sydney to display a wide range of Indian
leather products and footwear available for export to the Australia market. This
Business Meet cum Expo is being organised by the Council for Leather Exports, an apex
export promotion organisation under Indias Ministry of Commerce and Industry, with the
support of the Consulate General of India in Sydney.
In 2007 Australia imported $1.5 billion worth of leather and leather products including
footwear, up from $941 million in 2002, a growth rate of 10.3% per annum. Of that, only
$63 million of leather imports were sourced from India. The Indian leather industry is
keen to increase Indias share in Australian imports of leather and leather products.
The business event in Sydney will feature a wide variety of Indian-manufactured
footwear, leather garments, leather upholstery and accessories such as wallets, purses,
bags, belts, gloves etc.
The Council of Leather Exports has appointed Market Connexions, a division of
Multicultural Connexions headquartered in Sydney. Contact Sheba Nandkeolyar,
Managing Director - 0421 555 228 or sheba@mcon.com.au - for more details and for an
invitation to attend this event.