Interpol And United Nations Seek Greater Support For Police Role In Peacekeeping Missions

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12th October 2009, 04:35pm - Views: 773

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INTERPOL and United Nations Seek Greater Support for Police Role in Peacekeeping Missions

SINGAPORE, Oct. 12 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    INTERPOL and the United Nations have partnered to secure international

commitments for greater support for the role of police in peacekeeping

operations worldwide. This increased support is seen as a key element to

restoring the rule of law in post conflict zones, fragile states and

achieving sustainable peace.

    Secretary General Ronald K. Noble described INTERPOL's partnership with

the UN as "an alliance of all nations" that would commit INTERPOL to deliver

international police expertise, more skilled police personnel and frontline

access to its global resources in countries suffering or recovering from

conflicts, in order to help them achieve and build peace and combat

transnational crime.

    "If UN peacekeepers assigned to post-conflict zones or fragile states are

asked to perform police-like functions and to combat transnational crime,

then more peacekeepers should come from the ranks of police and be given

access to INTERPOL's global databases," said INTERPOL Secretary General


    At a meeting of more than 60 justice, interior and foreign affairs

ministers with senior law enforcement officers from around the world, UN

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon spoke via video of 'the need for greater

respect for the rule of law' in the world's most troubled parts, describing

INTERPOL as 'a natural partner' to restore stability following war and to

address the challenges on the ground.

    Representing the UN at the meeting, Under-Secretary-General Alain Le Roy

said that UN co-operation with INTERPOL had been reinforced by the

recognition of "a clear link between crime and conflict" and the fact that

serious and organized crime was prevalent in many conflict areas.

    Secretary General Noble told the assembly, "In the framework of our

partnership with the UN, INTERPOL will provide deployed police peacekeepers

with access to the world's only secure global police communications system;

global police databases including names of criminals, fingerprints, DNA

profiles, stolen passports, and stolen vehicles; and specialized

investigative support in key crime areas, including fugitives, drugs,

terrorism, trafficking in human beings and corruption."

    The ministers in attendance are endorsing a special Declaration which

will set a roadmap for police to play its full role in meeting today's

peacekeeping challenges.


    CONTACT: INTERPOL General Secretariat

             200, quai Charles de Gaulle, 

             69006 Lyon France


             Fax: +33-(0)4-72-44-71-63

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