Members of the South Asia Peace Forum Meet in the European Parliament
STRASBOURG, Dec. 16 / PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ -
Members of the South Asia Peace Forum of the European
Parliament met at Strasbourg on 16th December 2009 to review international
developments of concern to the members and to plan the future activities of
the forum.
The members expressed considerable concern at the possibility
that Afghanistan might once again be left with elements of the Taliban in
power in Kabul. The members resolved that they would urge the USA, the
countries of NATO and other heads of governments to stand by the people of
Afghanistan and ensure that any future polity that comes into being in Kabul
guarantees the security and safety of all Afghans and is committed to giving
equality to women and minorities.
The members also resolved that they would seek to mobilize
opinion in favor of the Afghan people being left to set their country in
order without undue interference by neighbors like Pakistan which emerged as
a major base for operations of Taliban and was now acknowledged to have been
widely infiltrated by Al Qaeda.
The members expressed concern at the continuing episodes of
terrorism around the world and drew special attention to the terrorist
attacks that had taken place in Mumbai in India in November 2008. The
continuing operations of Pakistani terrorist groups like the Lashkar-e-Taiba
were a matter of concern to all countries because the incidents in Mumbai and
subsequent investigations had proved that the Lashkar-e-Taiba had been able
to develop an international reach.
The members drew attention to the need to strengthen the
democratic process in Pakistan and to enable the people of Baluchistan to
fulfill their aspirations. The members decided to give the people of
Baluchistan a voice in the European Parliament and to call on the Government
of Pakistan to respect their rights.
The members resolved to work to encourage the countries of
South Asia to establish friendly and mutually beneficial relations with each
other. The members decided that they would work along with the governments of
South Asia to ensure a bright, prosperous and more peaceful future for the
people of the region.
Source: South Asia Peace Forum, European Parliament