Pak Fm Qureshi Grilled In The European Parliament On Women's And Minorities Issues

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16th October 2010, 10:31am - Views: 1020

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Pak FM Qureshi Grilled in the European Parliament on Women's and Minorities Issues

BRUSSELS, Oct. 15 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi held meetings with the

members of Foreign Affairs Committee, Development Committee and Delegation

for South Asia in the European Parliament here on Thursday. During the

meetings held on the sidelines of the Friends of Democratic Pakistan (FoDP)

meeting being held here on Friday (October 15).

    During the conference MEP Emine Bozkurt and MEP Ana Gomes asked the

Pakistani Foreign Minister about the violence against women in Pakistan and

about the interference of the Pakistani secret service ISI in the running of


    Commenting to these questions about women the Pakistani Foreign Minister

replied "We are building a democratic culture, but obviously it takes time.

Old habits die hard."

    Commenting on the interference in Afghanistan he mentioned "If you want

to help us fight extremism and terrorism one way of doing that is making

Pakistan economically stable. And Afghanistan is a neighbour and we shall do

all to have a friendly government in Afghanistan".

    The full video can be watched at



    SOURCE: European Organization of Pakistani Minorities

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