Tea Party And U.s. Election Expert Located In Asia Available For Tv, Radio, And Newsprint Media Inte

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3rd November 2010, 09:15pm - Views: 1107

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Tea Party and U.S. Election Expert Located in Asia Available for TV, Radio, and Newsprint 

Media Interviews

SINGAPORE, Nov. 3, 2010 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Mr. Jonathan Galaviz, Managing Director of Galaviz & Company, is available to broadcast and print media in

Asia to provide expert opinion on the Tea Party movement in the United States and its impact on the U.S. mid-term


    On September 22, 2010 and on November 1, 2010 Galaviz & Company correctly predicted the significant and

historical impact the Tea Party movement would have on the U.S. mid-term elections. The outcome of these

historical elections, over time, will have a direct and indirect impact on greater Asia.

    About the Tea Party

    The Tea Party is not a political party in the U.S, but rather, a political movement. The term 'Tea Party' refers to

the Boston Tea Party that occurred in 1773 in which colonial Americans disrupted shipments of tea in protest of

British government policies; this event contributed to the start of the American Revolution.  

    So far, no substantive effort has been made to make the Tea Party movement into a political party, and

therefore, the Tea Party has primarily used the Republican Party platform to elect its candidates to office. At the

same time, the Tea Party is no friend of the traditional Republican Party leadership, as evidenced by significant

political battles during the party primary season.

    Furthermore, it is incorrect to describe the Tea Party as a conservative movement. In fact, the Tea Party agenda

consists of a massive reform agenda focusing on economic freedom, a reformed foreign policy, social toleration

and structural budget transformation.

    About Galaviz & Company

    Galaviz & Company is a leading boutique strategy-consulting firm providing government relations and political

analytical services to blue-chip corporate clients in both the U.S. and Asia.  The firm has correctly predicted

numerous domestic policy changes, election outcomes, and foreign policy shifts in both the U.S. and Asia. Phone:

+1-702-357-8883. Email: info@galaviz.com.

    About Jonathan Galaviz

    Oxford-educated Jonathan Galaviz is a leading expert on both the U.S. and Asia in the areas of macro-economic

and political analysis. He has appeared on CNBC, Bloomberg TV, and BBC and is quoted in newspapers around

the world. He holds an MBA from the University of Oxford, Hertford College.

    Available Topic Expert(s): For information on the listed expert(s), click appropriate link.

    Jonathan Galaviz

    SOURCE: Galaviz & Company LLC

    CONTACT: Jonathan Galaviz

    of Galaviz & Company LLC, in Singapore


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