Travesty Of Justice - Australian Child Held Captive In Poland

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16th December 2009, 07:30am - Views: 828


Coalition of Parents of Abducted Children


15th December 2009


Travesty of Justice  

Australian Child Held Captive in Poland 

In October 2007 eleven-month-old Australian child Panagiotis Laskos was

abducted from Australia to Poland by his mother, Malgorzata Muchowska.

The child’s father, Sydney restaurateur Dimitrios Laskos, immediately lodged

an application for Panagiotis to be returned to Australia under the provisions

of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

A court-ordered psychiatric assessment in Poland concluded that Panagiotis

should be returned to Australia as soon as possible.

After losing his case at a Polish local court because the mother did not want

to return to Australia – which is not a legitimate reason for refusal under the

provisions of the Hague Convention - Mr Laskos appealed to the Polish High


Last week he was told the Polish High Court refused to return Panagiotis to

Australia as required under the Hague Convention. The reasons given were:

1) The child doesn't speak English. This is not a legitimate reason under the

provisions of the Hague Convention.


2) The child no longer knows his father. This is not a legitimate reason under

the provisions of the Hague Convention. 

3) The father lied to the court about his property holdings in Sydney & he is

unreliable. This is not relevant under the provisions of the Hague Convention. 

Mr Laskos said, “The court asked me for proof that I owned property in

Australia and I agreed to provide this information even though it wasn't

relevant to the case.


I own a very successful restaurant in Sydney as well as a take-away food

business. How can they say I am not reliable!?”

A spokesperson for the Coalition of Parents of Abducted Children (COPAC)

said, “The Hague Convention is there to enable children who have been


abducted to be reunited with their other parent as quickly as possible and to

enable parenting matters to be heard in the courts within the jurisdiction of the

child's country of habitual residence, which in this case is Australia”. 

Mr Laskos has traveled to Poland three times to see his son. 

He said, “My wife refused to let me see Panagiotis during the first visit. 

During the second visit I was only permitted to see him for a short time under

the supervision of armed police”. His wife wanted the same condition imposed

during his third visit.

Mr Laskos said, “I have no criminal record and have never done anything

wrong. Why am I being treated like a criminal when it is my wife who has

abducted an Australian Citizen?”


The COPAC spokesperson said, “International Parental Child Abduction

(IPCA) is not a crime in Australia. This means Mr Laskos has no further legal

avenues available to him within Australia such as asking the Australian

Government to seek an extradition order. He has also exhausted all legal

avenues in Poland”.

“This case highlights the high level of non-compliance many countries display

by ignoring their legal obligations under the Hague Convention, as well gaps

in Australian legislation” said the spokesperson.

Mr Laskos is now seeking the help of the Australian Government. He wants

them to ask the Polish Government to overturn the decision of the Polish High

Court on the grounds that their decision is based on reasons that are not valid

under the provisions of the Hague Convention.

The spokesperson said, “This decision of the Polish High Court is a travesty

of international justice and a blatant breach of the United Nations Convention

on the Rights of the Child. This Australian child is now being held captive

within Poland with the full support of the Polish legal system”.

He added, “If this decision is not overturned it will send a message to parental

child abductors around the world that all they have to do is get to another

country with the child and use that country’s legal system to get what they


Mr Laskos is also exploring the possibility of mounting a case against the

Polish Government through the European Court of Human Rights.


Spokesperson: Ken Thompson 0417-416-024

Image of Dimitrios and Panagiotis Laskos:

Interviews with Dimitrios Laskos: Contact Ken Thompson 0417-416-024

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